I admit this one is a little silly. After all, unless you share the style with your players, you're the only one who will see it. But if you find the default styles of Roll20 a little... pedestrian, this style will turn them into a close approximation of an official book. I haven't really done a lot of work on this, and for all I know it restyles something else important. But hey, here it is.
Roll20 D&D 5e Style for Your Handouts by keithcurtis1
Imported and mirrored from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uso-archive/data/flomaster/data/usercss/177229.user.css

Size1.6 kB
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Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Roll20 D&D 5e Style for Your Handouts
@namespace USO Archive
@author Keith Curtis
@description `I admit this one is a little silly. After all, unless you share the style with your players, you're the only one who will see it. But if you find the default styles of Roll20 a little... pedestrian, this style will turn them into a close approximation of an official book. I haven't really done a lot of work on this, and for all I know it restyles something else important. But hey, here it is.`
@version 20191114.3.47
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
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