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Michaelis Português Kanagawa Dark by framtava

Screenshot of Michaelis Português Kanagawa Dark



LicenseNo License

CategoryMichaelis On-line



Size8.9 kB


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Estilo dark o dicionário Michaelis de Português. Mantém apenas o verbete e definição; altera fonte e cores usando a paleta de Kanagawa.


  • Tema dark baseado na paleta da gravura "A Grande Onda de Kanagawa", de Katsushika Hokusai.
  • Remove todos os links acessórios (inclusive opções de dicionário do topo).
  • Usa as fontes Cambria (serif) e Calibri (sans-serif).

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Michaelis Português Kanagawa Dark
@version      20240108.14.13
@description  Estilo dark o dicionário Michaelis de Português. Mantém apenas o verbete e definição; altera fonte e cores usando a paleta de Kanagawa.
@author       framtava
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Michaelis Kanagawa Dark
@version      20230405.11.56
@description  Estilo dark. Mantém apenas busca, resultados e alguns recursos adicionais; altera fonte e cores usando a paleta de Kanagawa.
@author       framtava
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
/* CSS Variables */

Kanagawa Colorscheme
Inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.

body {
	--fujiWhite: #DCD7BA;	 /* Default foreground */
	--oldWhite: #C8C093;	 /* Dark foreground */
	--sumiInk0: #16161D;	 /* Dark background */
	--sumiInk1: #1F1F28;	 /* Default background */
	--sumiInk2: #2A2A37;	 /* Lighter background */
	--sumiInk3: #363646;	 /* Lighter background */
	--sumiInk4: #54546D;	 /* Darker foreground */
	--waveBlue1: #223249;	 /* Popup background, visual selection background */
	--waveBlue2: #2D4F67;	 /* Popup selection background, search background */
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	--winterYellow: #49443C;	 /* Diff Change (background) */
	--winterRed: #43242B;	 /* Diff Deleted (background) */
	--winterBlue: #252535;	 /* Diff Line (background) */
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	--autumnRed: #C34043;	 /* Git Delete */
	--autumnYellow: #DCA561;	 /* Git Change */
	--samuraiRed: #E82424;	 /* Diagnostic Error */
	--roninYellow: #FF9E3B;	 /* Diagnostic Warning */
	--waveAqua1: #6A9589;	 /* Diagnostic Info */
	--dragonBlue: #658594;	 /* Diagnostic Hint */
	--fujiGray: #727169;	 /* Comments */
	--springViolet1: #938AA9;	 /* Light foreground */
	--oniViolet: #957FB8;	 /* Statements and Keywords */
	--crystalBlue: #7E9CD8;	 /* Functions and Titles */
	--springViolet2: #9CABCA;	 /* Brackets and punctuation */
	--springBlue: #7FB4CA;	 /* Specials and builtin functions */
	--lightBlue: #A3D4D5;	 /* Not used */
	--waveAqua2: #7AA89F;	 /* Types */
	--springGreen: #98BB6C;	 /* Strings */
	--boatYellow1: #938056;	 /* Not used */
	--boatYellow2: #C0A36E;	 /* Operators, RegEx */
	--carpYellow: #E6C384;	 /* Identifiers */
	--sakuraPink: #D27E99;	 /* Numbers */
	--waveRed: #E46876;	 /* Standout specials 1 */
	--peachRed: #FF5D62;	 /* Standout specials 2 */
	--surimiOrange: #FFA066;	 /* Constants, imports, booleans */
	--katanaGray: #717C7C;	 /* Deprecated */
/* setting */
body {
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    --foreground-dark: var(--oldWhite);

    --title: var(--waveAqua2);
    --text-secondary: var(--dragonBlue);
    --text-background: var(--sumiInk4);
    --text-nota: var(--springViolet1);
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    --text-detail: var(--katanaGray);
    --text-highlight: var(--surimiOrange);
    --text-highlight2: var(--lightBlue);
    --text-highlight3: var(--springBlue);
    --text-highlight4: var(--boatYellow2);
    --box-highlight: var(--sumiInk4);
    --link: var(--crystalBlue);
    --link2: var(--oniViolet);
    --primary: var(--autumnGreen);
    --primary-hover: var(--springGreen);
    --inverse: var(--sakuraPink);
    --error: var(--waveRed);
    /* fonts + sizes */    
    --serif: 'Cambria', serif;
    --sans: 'Calibri', sans-serif;
    --searchBarSize: 48px;
html {
    font-size: 100%;

@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
footer {
    display: none;

body {
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    font-size: 18px;
    color: var(--foreground);
.navbar-default {
    background: var(--background)

#content div {
    background: var(--background-light);
    border-radius: .5rem
a {
    color: var(--link)

/* Barra de busca */
.input-group {
    width: 750px
.form-control {
    height: var(--searchBarSize);
.input-group span.input-group-btn:first-child {
    display: none;
#top-menu.repertorio-moderno-portugues #search-container {
    background: var(--background);
    margin-top: 3rem;
#top-menu.repertorio-moderno-portugues #search-container #traducao-sentido, #top-menu.repertorio-moderno-portugues #search-container #btn-invert, #top-menu.repertorio-moderno-portugues #search-container #btn-search {
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    color: var(--background);
    border-bottom: none;
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#search-container #search #input-search {
    background: var(--background-light);
    border-radius: .5rem 0 0 .5rem;
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    font: 400 1.1rem/1em var(--sans);
#search-container #search #input-search::placeholder {
    color: var(--foreground-dark)

/* TEXTOS */
.block {
    margin-bottom: 0.3em;
    line-height: 1.3em
#content div {
    color: var(--foreground);
    font-family: var(--sans);

/* nome do verbete */
e1 {
    font: 600 1.75rem/1em var(--serif);
    color: var(--title)
.block:has(e1) {
    margin: 0 0 .3rem
/* variação do verbete */
ef {
    font: 600 italic 1.5rem/1em var(--serif);
    color: var(--title)
.block:has(ef) {
    margin: 1.5rem 0 0;
/* sílabas */
es {
    font: 500 italic 1.5rem/1em var(--sans);
    color: var(--text-detail);
.block:has(es) {
    margin: 0 0 1.5rem;
/* categoria gramatical, transitividade */
tt {
    font: 600 small-caps 1.3rem/1em var(--sans);
    color: var(--text-secondary)
#content .block:has(cg),
#content .block:has(tt){
    color: var(--text-secondary);
    margin: 1.5rem 0 .5rem;
/* Numeração */
acl {
    color: var(--text-background)

/* Texto de exemplo */
eu {
    font: 500 italic 1.05rem/1em var(--serif);
    color: var(--text-nota)
eu+eu:before {
    content:'\00b6  '
/* Exemplos literários */
abt {
    font: 500 italic 1.05rem/1em var(--serif);
    color: var(--text-nota2)
/* autor do exemplo literário */
abf {
    font: 600 small-caps 1rem/1em var(--sans);
    color: var(--text-detail);
/* Pronúncia */
ep {
    font: 600 1.2rem/1em var(--sans);
    color: var(--inverse);
ep:before {
    content: '\1F56B';
    margin-right: 0.25em;
    font-size: 1.5rem

/* Última seção: Expressões, Etimologia, Informações complementares */
sx, sm, sv {
    color: var(--text-detail);
    border-color: var(--text-detail);
    /* expressões */
ex {
    font: 600 italic 1.05rem/1em var(--serif);
    color: var(--title)
    /* informações adicionais (v. Mal, Juízo) */
og {
    color: var(--text-detail)
    /* estrangeirismo? (v. linha) */
xr {
    color: inherit

/* regionalismo, rubrica, uso, variante */
ra, rg, rn, vrt {
    background-color: transparent;
    font-weight: 600;
    padding: unset;
    margin-right: unset;
/* regionalismo */
rg {
    color: var(--text-highlight)
/* rubrica (Economia, Medicina, Música) */
ra {
    color: var(--text-highlight2)
/* níveis de uso (Linguagem figurada, Coloquial) */
rn {
    color: var(--text-highlight3)
/* informações complementares: variante */
vrt {
    color: var(--text-highlight4)

/* ver */
rdr {
    font: 500 1em var(--serif);
    color: var(--title);
    text-decoration: underline;
a>rdr {
    border-bottom: unset;

/* veja também */
h3 {
    font: bold 1.5em var(--sans);
    color: var(--text-highlight)
#lista_verbetes_links li {
    font: normal italic 1.1em var(--serif);
#lista_verbetes_links li a {
    color: var(--title);

/* autocomplete */
.autocomplete-suggestion {
    background: var(--background);
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    color: var(--text-nota2)
.autocomplete-suggestions {
    border-color: var(--background-lighter)

/*  tooltip  */
.tooltip {
/*     box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.6) */
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.tooltip div {
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#content .tooltip div.tooltip-inner {
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} .tooltip-arrow {
    border-top-color: var(--text-background);

/* Erros */
#content #content-inner {
    background: var(--background);
    color: var(--error)


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