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Better YouTube+ | Dark Mode by okkidwi

Screenshot of Better YouTube+ | Dark Mode



LicenseGeneral Public License v3.0

Categoryyoutube, yt, ytp, windows, dark mode, tweak, tweaks, design, redesign



Size74 kB


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ℹ️ A CSS modification for YouTube with new features and visual improvements

📦 Want to see a collection of other themes I've created? | Click Here

✅ Perfectly tested on Chromium based browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, etc)
⚠️ There is no guarantee that it will work flawlessly in Mozilla Firefox
❓ NOTE: It may not work perfectly with YouTube extensions due to incompatible CSS customizations (scroll down to see the list of compatible extensions)
🎨 You need Stylus Extension to apply this theme
- Chromium Extension | Download Here
- Mozilla Firefox Extension | Download Here

🛠️ Compatible Extensions (Chromium & Firefox)
- Return YouTube Dislike | Download Here
- SaveFrom Video Downloader | Download Here

If you find a bug, want to help me or want to suggest something, feel free to contact me via Telegram
I made this as a hobby. I'll fix it when I have free time. Please be patient. Don't forget to leave me a review below. Hope you like it :)

- Okki Dwi -


✨ Features

  • Add Fake YouTube Premium logo
  • Hide & no select country code
  • Navigation fix
  • Dark searchbar & search suggestions
  • Sidebar redesign
  • Rounded avatars
  • Playback status (WATCHED) thumbnail badge
  • Better cinema mode
  • Show buttons on hover when paused
  • Caption/subtitle redesign
  • Material button fix
  • Fix Return YouTube Dislike extension padding
  • Rounded Savefrom download button
  • Dark commentbar
  • Shorts arrow
  • Remove username highlight on live chat
  • Show deleted messages in live chat
  • Displays the current playback time even for live streams
  • Other improvements

📜 Changelogs

v2.5 Fixed typo descriptions | 21/04/2023

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Better YouTube+
@version      3.5
@description  A CSS modification for YouTube with new features and visual improvements
@author       Okki Dwi
@license      GNU General Public License v3.0

==/UserStyle== */

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