Simply overhauls the page.
NexusMods Overhaul by blyad

LicenseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Size77 kB
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What this does:
- Changes background colors to translucent
- Changes background images according to the game page
- Adds custom scrollbar which adapts to according variable
- Changes various background colors to dark, fe. download cap and inputs
More details
Every image is at least 1920x1080 resolution. Most images are 2K+ res and some of them are even 8K, fe. Dark Souls 3.
Currently this supports ~69 game pages, more will come soon.
It's pretty bland at this moment, I just don't have any ideas what to do, please leave any suggestions here or at GitHub page, thanks.
Update 11
- added support for Starfield page
- removed clutter from next.nexusmods(collections page)
Update 10
- upload page support
- custom theme for resident evil 4 remake
Update 9 | 06.03.23 | Foolishness, Dante
- fixed few things
- added custom background images and themes for Atomic Heart and Hogwarts Legacy
- overhauled github page
- new logo and preview images
Update 8 | 14.07.22
- replaced DMC5 background image
Update 7 | 07.06.22
- changed more things to black
- pinned to variable scrollbar at
- changed background image for
Mass Effect Legendary Edition
- added custom red variables for
ME Legendary Edition
page - minor changes
Update 6 | 07.04.22
- improved dark inputs
- fixed screenshot containers to do not cut bottom part of the photo
- pinned scrollbar color to variable at
- added support for
Elden Ring
andGod of War
page - improved
ready or not
custom theme
Update 5 | 06.03.22
- added support for another game pages(fe. DL2)
- did something idk
Update 4 | 20.01.22
- added support for few game pages(AC1, GTA:SA, GTA DEF ED, AC Odyssey, Subnautica BZ, SW Jedi FO, SoD2, FC3, Days Gone, Halo TME, Ready or Not, BG3)
- corrected few background images to be translucent
- even more improved dark inputs
- minor fixes
Update 3 | 27.11.21
- changed more things to translucent
- pinned more things to variables
- and I think I added one custom color palette for something idk
Update 2 | 28.10.21
- changed dropdowns to translucent
- changed recent downloads to translucent
- changed some more things to translucent
- changed inputs and selects to black at account preferences
- added dark theme for
- fixed black scrollbars at and
- changed theme for darkest dunegon page
- added custom color palette for resident evil 3 remake
- minor fixes
Update 1 | 25.09.21
- changed navbar to translucent
- pinned more thing to variables, like 'Go Premium' button on footer
- rewritten dark inputs, dropdowns etc.
- changed more containers to translucent, fe. "Media" container
- added custom variables to Cyberpunk 2077 page
- added shine effect after hovering on a tile(+little zoom)
- probably something more but already forgot about them
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name NexusMods Overhaul
@version 1.1.6
@description `Overhauls look of nexusmods to be more 'modern', from lack of better word.`
@author blyad (
@license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
==/UserStyle== */
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