A lil' kibitzer, from the horsey piece set. Different one every time.
Great moral support. Improvement in gameplay guaranteed.
Adapted from userstyles.org/styles/209893/lichess-cute-cat-mini-icon by Akari Akaza.
LicenseNo License
Code size836 B
Code checksum7831a1f4
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
A lil' kibitzer, from the horsey piece set. Different one every time.
Great moral support. Improvement in gameplay guaranteed.
Adapted from userstyles.org/styles/209893/lichess-cute-cat-mini-icon by Akari Akaza.
no requirements
/* ==UserStyle==
@name lichess kibitzer
@namespace lichess
@version 1.0
@license butt
@author literallyme
==/UserStyle== */
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