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Nozomi Dark/Customizable Theme by Knighto

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Screenshot of Nozomi Dark/Customizable Theme



LicenseGNU GPLv3



Size10 kB


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A modest dark/customizable theme for website. You are able to set the colors you like the most. Option to turn on/off pure black/OLED mode included.



If you think my work deserves a donation (any amount truly helps!):



  • Added option to turn on/off pure black/oled mode.
  • Added deprecated tags category default color.


  • Added mirror to github repository.
  • Style's name and description modified.


Tags now have their own specific color by category.

  • Artist names - Orange, for example.
  • Code cleaning... Boring stuff, don't worry.


First release.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Nozomi Dark/Customizable Theme
@description    A modest dark/customizable theme for website. You are able to set the colors you like the most. Option to turn on/off pure black/OLED mode included.
@author         Knighto00 ->> (
@version        1.2.1
@license        GNU GPLv3
@preprocessor   stylus

@var checkbox bannerDisable         "Disable banner image"                                  1
@var checkbox pureBlack             "Enable pure black/OLED theme"                          0

@var color    pureBlackColor        "Pure black color"                                      #000000
@var color    pureBlackBordersColor "Pure black borders color"                              #1c1c1c

@var color    searchInput           "Search input text color"                               #5ebf00
@var color    searchSuggest         "Search suggestions text color"                         #5ebf00
@var color    searchSugTotal        "Total number of itens text color"                      #cccccc

@var color    artistTags            "Artist tags color"                                     #E06F0B
@var color    characterTags         "Character tags color"                                  #44aa44
@var color    circleTags            "Circle tags color"                                     #00AAFF
@var color    copyrightTags         "Copyright tags color"                                  #B319FF
@var color    deprecatedTags        "Deprecated tags color"                                 #e0e000
@var color    generalTags           "General tags color"                                    #cccccc
@var color    nullTags              "Null tags color"                                       #007bff
@var color    styleTags             "Style tags color"                                      #0090D9
@var color    tagsColorOnHover      "Tags color on hover"                                   #6ad900

@var color    searchButtonColor     "Search button color"                                   #5ebf00
@var color    searchButtonBkg       "Search button background color"                        #242424
@var color    searchButtonHColor    "Search button color on hover"                          #6ad900
@var color    searchButtonHBkg      "Search button background color on hover"               #403f3f

@var color    h1Title               "Page title text color"                                 #5ebf00
@var color    sidebarTitles         "Sidebar title text color"                              #5ebf00
@var color    orderByText           '"Order by" text color'                                 #cccccc
@var color    orderByCat            '"Order by" tag text color'                             #ff1b1b
@var color    orderByCatH           '"Order by" tag text color on hover'                    #5ebf00

@var color    indexNumber           "Selected page number color"                            #5ebf00
@var color    nextIndexNumber       "Next/Previous page number color"                       #bdbdbd
@var color    nextIndexNumberH      "Next/Previous page number color on hover"              #fbfbfb
@var color    nextIndexNumberBH     "Next/Previous page number background color on hover"   #403f3f

@var color    bkgColor              "Background Color"                                      #242424
@var color    bordersColor          "Borders Color"                                         #373737
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {

    body {
        background-color: bkgColor !important;

    .container {
        border-left: 1px solid bordersColor !important;
        border-right: 1px solid bordersColor !important;
        border-bottom: 1px solid bordersColor !important;
        -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 10px bordersColor !important;
        -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 10px bordersColor !important;
        box-shadow: 0 0 10px bordersColor !important;
        background-color: bkgColor !important;

    /* Banner/logo/navbar ~ Starts*/
    .navbar {
        border-bottom: 1px solid bordersColor !important;

    if bannerDisable {
        .navbar {
            background-image: none !important;
            background-color: bkgColor !important;
    /* Banner/logo/navbar ~ Ends*/
    /* Search Form ~ Starts*/
    .search-input #query-input {
        background-color: bkgColor !important;
        color: searchInput !important;

    #search-suggestions li {
        background-color: bkgColor !important;

    #search-suggestions li a {
        color: searchSuggest !important;

    .search-suggestion_total {
        color: searchSugTotal !important;

    .search-suggestion strong {
        color: searchSuggest !important;
    /* Search Form ~ Ends*/
    /* Search Button ~ Starts*/
    #search-button {
        background-color: searchButtonBkg !important;
        color: searchButtonColor !important;
        border: 1px solid bordersColor !important;
    #search-button:hover {
        background-color: searchButtonHBkg !important;
        color: searchButtonHColor !important;
    /* Search Button ~ Ends*/
    /* Sidebar/Tags session ~ Starts*/
    .sidebar {
        background-color: bkgColor !important;
        border-right: 1px solid bordersColor !important;
        border-bottom: 1px solid bordersColor !important;

    .sidebar li a:hover {
        color: tagsColorOnHover !important;

    .sidebar .title {
        color: sidebarTitles !important;

    .sidebar .artist {
        color: artistTags !important;

    .sidebar .character {
        color: characterTags !important;

    .sidebar .circle {
        color: circleTags !important;

    .sidebar .copyright {
        color: copyrightTags !important;

    .sidebar .deprecated {
        color: deprecatedTags !important;

    .sidebar .general {
        color: generalTags !important;

    .sidebar .null {
        color: nullTags !important;

    .sidebar .style {
        color: styleTags !important;
    /* Sidebar/Tags session ~ Ends*/
    /* Main content ~ Starts*/
    .content {
        background-color: bkgColor !important;

    h1 {
        background-color: bkgColor !important;
        border-top: 1px solid bordersColor !important;
        border-bottom: 1px solid bordersColor !important;
        color: h1Title !important;

    h3 {
        color: orderByText !important;

    h3 a {
        color: orderByCat !important;

    h3 a:hover {
        color: orderByCatH !important;

    /* Index page numbers ~ Starts*/
    .page-container {
        background-color: bkgColor !important;
        border-top: 1px solid bordersColor !important;
        border-bottom: 1px solid bordersColor !important;

    .page-container span {
        border-left: 1px solid bordersColor !important;
        background-color: bkgColor !important;
        color: indexNumber !important;

    .page-container a {
        color: nextIndexNumber !important;
        border-left: 1px solid bkgColor !important;

    .page-container a:hover {
        color: nextIndexNumberH !important;
        background-color: nextIndexNumberBH !important;

    .page-container li:last-child a {
        border-right: 1px solid bkgColor !important;

    .page-container li:last-child span {
        border-right: 1px solid bkgColor !important;
    /* Index page numbers ~ Ends*/
    /* Thumbnail borders ~ Starts*/
    .thumbnail-div {
        border: 1px solid bordersColor !important;
    /* Thumbnail borders ~ Ends*/
    /* Main content ~ Ends*/
    /* Footer ~ Starts*/
    .bottom-content {
        background-color: bkgColor !important;
        border-top: 1px solid bordersColor !important;
    /* Footer ~ Ends*/
    if pureBlack {
        #search-suggestions li 
        .content h1 
        .page-container span 
        .search-input #query-input 
            background-color: pureBlackColor !important;

            border-left: 1px solid pureBlackBordersColor !important;
            border-right: 1px solid pureBlackBordersColor !important;
            border-bottom: 1px solid pureBlackBordersColor !important;
            -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 10px pureBlackBordersColor !important;
            -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 10px pureBlackBordersColor !important;
            box-shadow: 0 0 10px pureBlackBordersColor !important;

        .navbar {
            border-bottom: 1px solid pureBlackBordersColor !important;
        #search-button {
            border: 1px solid pureBlackBordersColor !important;
        .sidebar {
            border-right: 1px solid pureBlackBordersColor !important;
            border-bottom: 1px solid pureBlackBordersColor !important;
            border-top: 1px solid pureBlackBordersColor !important;
            border-bottom: 1px solid pureBlackBordersColor !important;
        .page-container span
        .page-container a
            border-left: 1px solid pureBlackBordersColor !important;
        .page-container li:last-child a
        .page-container li:last-child span
        { border-right: 1px solid pureBlackBordersColor !important; }
        { border: 1px solid pureBlackBordersColor !importa...


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