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Minimal Reddit by hdyzen

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Wide posts and remove homepage bloat, among other features


Userstyle for reddit, clean interface.

  • Wide posts.
  • Set the width of the posts.
  • Change base color of interface.
  • Removal of some elements.
  • Remove/minimize the sidebar/navbar/subbar.

OBS: In the Shreddit/3rd generation of the interface, there are many isolated elements with shadowRoot, some options will require installing a userscript:


Shreddit - Install


Newreddit - Install


Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Minimal Reddit 3rd
@version        6.2.1
@description    Wide posts and remove bloat from homepage
@author         hdy
@license        MIT
@preprocessor   stylus

@var checkbox    enableNavbar            '● Customize navbar'              1
@var checkbox    logoNavbar              '⠀⠀⚬ Remove reddit logo'          0
@var checkbox    downloadAppNavbar       '⠀⠀⚬ Remove download app'         1
@var checkbox    logInNavbar             '⠀⠀⚬ Remove log in'               1
@var checkbox    advertiseNavbar         '⠀⠀⚬ Remove advertise'            1
@var checkbox    chatNavbar              '⠀⠀⚬ Remove chat'                 1
@var checkbox    createPostNavNavbar     '⠀⠀⚬ Remove create post'          1
@var checkbox    notificationsNavbar     '⠀⠀⚬ Remove notifications'        0
@var checkbox    userNavbar              '⠀⠀⚬ Remove user'                 0

Search bar
@var checkbox    enableSearchbar         '● Customize search bar'          1
@var number      borderRadiusNavbar      '⠀⠀⚬ Border radius'               [20, 0, 200, 1, 'px']
@var checkbox    trendingSearchbar       '⠀⠀⚬ Remove trending'             1
@var checkbox    nsfwSearchbar           '⠀⠀⚬ Remove nsfw'                 0

Dropdown navbar
@var checkbox    enableDropdownNavbar    '● Customize dropdown navbar'     1
@var checkbox    profileDropdown         '⠀⠀⚬ Remove profile'              0
@var checkbox    avatarDropdown          '⠀⠀⚬ Remove edit avatar'          1
@var checkbox    achievementsDropdown    '⠀⠀⚬ Remove achievements'         1
@var checkbox    contributorDropdown     '⠀⠀⚬ Remove contributor'          1
@var checkbox    moderatorDropdown       '⠀⠀⚬ Remove moderator'            0
@var checkbox    darkmodeDropdown        '⠀⠀⚬ Remove dark mode'            0
@var checkbox    logoutDropdown          '⠀⠀⚬ Remove log out'              0
@var checkbox    advertiseDropdown       '⠀⠀⚬ Remove advertise'            1
@var checkbox    settingsDropdown        '⠀⠀⚬ Remove settings'             0
@var checkbox    premiumDropdown         '⠀⠀⚬ Remove premium'              1
@var checkbox    loginRegisterDropdown   '⠀⠀⚬ Remove login/register'       0
@var checkbox    avatarShopDropdown      '⠀⠀⚬ Remove avatar shop'          1

Left sidebar
@var checkbox    enableLeftSidebar       '● Customize left sidebar'        1
@var select      leftSidebarStyle        '⠀⠀⚬ Style'                       ['Default*', 'Collapse', 'Minimize', 'MinimizeWidth', 'Hide', 'Remove']
@var checkbox    leftSidebarCollapseOpen '⠀⠀⚬ Collapse openened default'   0
@var number      widthLeftSidebar        '⠀⠀⚬ Width'                       [272, 0, 544, 1, 'px']
@var checkbox    topSectionLeftSidebar   '⠀⠀⚬ Remove top section'          0
@var checkbox    modSectionLeftSidebar   '⠀⠀⚬ Remove mod section'          0
@var checkbox    feedSectionLeftSidebar  '⠀⠀⚬ Remove feed section'         0
@var checkbox    recentSectionLeftSidebar'⠀⠀⚬ Remove recent section'       0
@var checkbox    comSectionLeftSidebar   '⠀⠀⚬ Remove communities section'  0
@var checkbox    othersSectionLeftSidebar'⠀⠀⚬ Remove others section'       1

Right sidebar
@var checkbox    enableRightSidebar      '● Customize right sidebar'       0
@var select      rightSidebaStyle        '⠀⠀⚬ Style'                       ['Default*', 'Hide', 'Remove']
@var checkbox    rightSidebarRecentPosts '⠀⠀⚬ Remove recent posts'         0

@var checkbox   enableSection            '● Customize main section'        0
@var select     sortDropdownSection      '⠀⠀⚬ Sort dropdown'               ['Default*', 'Sticky', 'Remove']
@var number     paddingInlineSection     '⠀⠀⚬ Padding inline'              [16, 0, 32, 1, 'px']
@var number     paddingBlockSection      '⠀⠀⚬ Padding block'               [0, 0, 32, 1, 'px']

@var checkbox   enableCommunity         '● Customize community'            1
@var select     headerWithTypeCommunity '⠀⠀⚬ Header width'                 ['sameAsPosts:Same as posts*', 'Manual']
@var range      headerWithCommunity     '⠀⠀⠀⠀⚬ Width'                      [100, 30, 100, 1, '%']
@var number     headerHeightCommunity   '⠀⠀⚬ Header height factor'         [0, -150, 400, 1, 'px']
@var checkbox   segmentHeaderCommunity  '⠀⠀⚬ Segment header'               0
@var number     segmentFactorCommunity  '⠀⠀⠀⠀⚬ Alpha'                      [0.05, 0.01, 1, 0.01]
@var checkbox   removeNSFWWarning       '⠀⠀⚬ Remove NSFW Warning'          1

@var checkbox    enablePosts             '● Customize posts'               1 
@var checkbox    widePosts               '⠀⠀⚬ Wide'                        1
@var range       widthPosts              '⠀⠀⠀⠀⚬ Width'                     [100, 30, 100, 1, '%']
@var checkbox    widePostPage            '⠀⠀⠀⠀⚬ Apply to post page'        1
@var select      countPosts              '⠀⠀⚬ Count'                       ['None*', 'Left-Top', 'Left-Middle', 'Left-Bottom']
@var select      countSidePosts          '⠀⠀⠀⠀⚬ Side'                      ['Outside*', 'Inside']
@var checkbox    countBackgroundPosts    '⠀⠀⠀⠀⚬ Show background'           1
@var select      longTimePosts           '⠀⠀⚬ Show long time'              ['None*', 'title:Readable', 'datetime:ISO 8601']
@var checkbox    longTimeInvertPosts     '⠀⠀⠀⠀⚬ Invert layout'             0
@var checkbox    segmentPost             '⠀⠀⚬ Segment post'                0
@var checkbox    segmentSubNameIcon      '⠀⠀⚬ Segment sub[name/icon]'      0
@var checkbox    segmentTitle            '⠀⠀⚬ Segment title'               0
@var checkbox    segmentBody             '⠀⠀⚬ Segment body/content'        0
@var checkbox    breakLinePost           '⠀⠀⚬ Breakline content in feed'   0
@var number      marginInlinePost        '⠀⠀⚬ Margin inline'               [0, 0, 32, 1, 'px']
@var number      marginBlockPost         '⠀⠀⚬ Margin block'                [4, 0, 32, 1, 'px']
@var number      paddingInlinePost       '⠀⠀⚬ Padding inline'              [16, 0, 32, 1, 'px']
@var number      paddingBlockPost        '⠀⠀⚬ Padding block'               [4, 0, 32, 1, 'px']
@var checkbox    expandLongText          '⠀⠀⚬ Expand long text'            0
@var checkbox    scalePost               '⠀⠀⚬ Scale on over'               0
@var checkbox    scalePostShadow         '⠀⠀⠀⠀⚬ Shadow'                    1
@var number      scalePostFactor         '⠀⠀⠀⠀⚬ Factor'                    [1.03, 0, 10, .01]
@var checkbox    backButtonPost          '⠀⠀⚬ Adjust back button inside'   0
@var select      filterModePosts         '⠀⠀⚬ Filter title posts mode'     ['None*', 'Blacklist', 'Whitelist']
@var text        filterWordsPosts        '⠀⠀⠀⠀⚬ Words; comma-separated'    "Trump, Biden, Elon, Kamala"
@var checkbox    filterInsensitivePosts  '⠀⠀⠀⠀⚬ Insensitive case'          1
@var checkbox    postsWithImage          '⠀⠀⚬ Remove post with image'      0
@var checkbox    postsWithVideo          '⠀⠀⚬ Remove post with video'      0
@var checkbox    crossPost               '⠀⠀⚬ Remove all crosspost'        0
@var checkbox    crossPostWithImage      '⠀⠀⚬ Remove crosspost with image' 0
@var checkbox    crossPostWithVideo      '⠀⠀⚬ Remove crosspost with image' 0
@var checkbox    separatorPosts          '⠀⠀⚬ Remove separator'            0

@var checkbox   enableComments           '● Customize comments'            0
@var checkbox   segmentCommentThree      '⠀⠀⚬ Segment three'               0
@var checkbox   segmentCommentSummary    '⠀⠀⚬ Segment summary'             0
@var checkbox   segmentCommentContent    '⠀⠀⚬ Segment content'             0
@var checkbox   segmentCommentActions    '⠀⠀⚬ Segment actions'             0
@var color      segmentCommentColor      '⠀⠀⚬ Base segment color'          rgba(255, 255, 255, .05)
@var checkbox   limitSegmentWith         '⠀⠀⚬ Limit segment width'         0

@var checkbox    enableColors            '● Customize colors'              0
@var color       baseColor               '⠀⠀⚬ Base color'                  hsl(16, 100%, 50%)
@var number      saturationFactor        '⠀⠀⚬ Saturation factor'           [0, -100, 100, 1]
@var number      lightnessFactor         '⠀⠀⚬ Lightness factor'            [0, -100, 100, 1]
@var number      alphaFactor             '⠀⠀⚬ Alpha factor'                [0, 0, 1, 0.01]
@var checkbox    colorIcons              '⠀⠀⚬ Color reddit icon'           0

@var checkbox   enableFonts              '● Customize fonts'              0
@var select     rootFontIn               '⠀⠀⚬ Font'                       ['Default*', 'SUSE', 'Arvo', 'Tisa']
@var select     codeFontIn               '⠀⠀⚬ Font in code'               ['Default*', 'firaCode:Fira Code', 'sourceSansPro:Source Code Pro', 'Monaspace', 'jetbrainsMono:Jetbrains Mono']

Image effets

@var checkbox    enableImageEffects      '● Customize image' 0
@var range       imageGrayscale          '⠀⠀⚬ Grayscale' [0, 0, 100, 1, '%']
@var range       imageSepia              '⠀⠀⚬ Sepia' [0, 0, 100, 1, '%']
@var range       imageBlur               '⠀⠀⚬ Blur' [0, 0, 20, 1, 'px']
@var range       imageBrightness         '⠀⠀⚬ Brightness' [100, 0, 360, 1, '%']
@var range       imageHue                '⠀⠀⚬ Hue rotate' [0, 0, 100, 1, 'deg']
@var range       imageSaturate           '⠀⠀⚬ Saturate' [100, 0, 1000, 1, '%']
@var range       imageOpacity            '⠀⠀⚬ Opacity' [100, 0, 100, 1, '%']
@var range       imageContrast           '⠀⠀⚬ Contrast' [100, 0, 1000, 1, '%']
@var range       imageInvert             '⠀⠀⚬ Invert' [0, 0, 100, 1, '%']
@var range       imageRotate ...


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