Just Dance Now 2023 by Ihir888-2062

LicenseNo License
Size362 kB
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Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name justdancenow.com - 17.04.2023, 11:29:19
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@version 1.0.0
@description A new userstyle
@author Me
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@name Just Dance Now 2023 menu
@version 0.8
@namespace userstyles.world/user/alxs
@description Just Dance 2023 style! - Pre-release
@author alxs
@license No License
@advanced dropdown avatar "Choose your Avatar!" {
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S2 "Atgggth" <<<EOT https://cdn.glitch.global/7781ee26-c563-4365-b245-ceb83156a174/atgggth.png?v=1667598735371 EOT;
S3 "Panda" <<<EOT https://cdn.glitch.global/7781ee26-c563-4365-b245-ceb83156a174/panda.png?v=1667598731230 EOT;
S4 "DanceMonkey" <<<EOT https://cdn.glitch.global/7781ee26-c563-4365-b245-ceb83156a174/dansmonki.png?v=1667598725233 EOT;
S5 "Zenit BQ" <<<EOT https://cdn.glitch.global/7781ee26-c563-4365-b245-ceb83156a174/senit%20BQ.png?v=1667598733340 EOT;
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