It's dark, it's mojeek, that's it.
Dark by osirisgothra

LicenseShare Alike, Creative Commons
Size2.0 kB
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Release 2
Now filter based, which should be fine for now. If anyone wants me to make changes or do something spectacular, let me know. Errors should be minimal, if any.
Release 1
Not much to say other than its dark and this is the first release, beta, very
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Dark
@version 20240622.23.30
@description Its dark
@author osirisgothra
@license Share Alike, Creative Commons
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
You'll have to live with this until I can write a proper stylesheet for it
but I have too much work to do and not the time to do it. For now I'll just
impose a cheesy filter to do my work for me.
Update #1: Fix for browsers using the mozilla engine (Firefox being the most well known)
Chromium-based browser users can remove this line (i.e., Chrome, HEdge)
You can control the color values through hue-rotate (0deg -360deg, 180deg being original when invert is untouched and sepia 0%)
You can control the color intesity through saturate (100% being original when invert is untouched and sepia 0%)
You can reset ALL color and make it unform by using sepia, set to 0% to allow colors to be originals
The funtion of contrast and brightness should be obvious enough.
/* Fix for mozilla-based browsers (Firefox, etc)
background: white;
filter: invert(99.95%) sepia(100.125%) hue-rotate(180.2deg) saturate(140.241%) contrast(112.345%) brightness(77.7%);
body > div.large-footer > div.header.nb > div > div.header-logo > a > img
display: block;
position: absolute;
right: 80px;
opacity: 20%;
top: 25px;
transition: all 1250ms;
animation: wobble 250ms 5;
animation-play-state: running;
body > div.large-footer > div.header.nb > div > div.header-logo > a > img:hover
transition: all 250ms;
box-shadow: #aaa 0px 0px 12px;
border-radius: 12px;
padding: 4px;
animation: wobble 250ms infinite;
@keyframes wobble
0% { right: 80px; transform: rotate(0deg); filter: blur(1.125px); }
50% { right: 100px;transform: rotate(-10deg); filter: blur(2.025px); }
100% { right: 80px;transform: rotate(0deg); filter: blur(1.125px); }