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!♥Hentai-Heroes - CSS Define♥! by kominostyle






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Adding CSS here and there in the ♥Hentai Heroes game♥

JavaScript for !♥Hentai-Heroes - CSS Define♥!:

CSS-Script for !♥Hentai-Heroes - CSS Define♥!:


add GirlListNavigation
add button description

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           !♥Hentai-Heroes - CSS Define♥!
@namespace      Haremheroes
@version        1.7.1
@description    Adding CSS here and there in the ♥Hentai Heroes game♥
@author         !♥Koͨmͧiͭnͥoͤ Style♥!
@license      	MIT
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain(""), domain("") {

/* ===================
   =================== */
/*Script - CSSDefine*/
| NEW - Variable |
.purple_button_L {
	background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #a50b39 0, #b14 100%) !important;
.blue_button_L:hover {
	filter: brightness(120%) !important;

| CSS-Define - Button |
.CSSDefine_round_button {
	height: 30px !important;
	width: 30px !important;
	border: 1px solid #000000 !important;
	border-radius: 50% !important;
	display: flex !important;
	justify-content: center !important;
	align-items: center !important;
	z-index: 2 !important;
.CSSDefine_button_blue {
	background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #008ed5 0, #05719c 100%) !important;
	box-shadow: 0 3px 0 #0d161999, inset 0 3px 0 #6df0ff !important;
.CSSDefine_button_red {
	background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #e3005b 0px, #820040 100%) !important;
	box-shadow: 0 3px 0 #0d161999, inset 0 3px 0 rgb(238 17 85) !important;
.CSSDefine_button_orange {
	background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #f90 0px, #f70 100%) !important;
	box-shadow: 0 3px 0 #0d161999, inset 0 3px 0 #ffde00 !important;
.CSSDefine_button_green {
	background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #619f00 0px, #570 100%) !important;
	box-shadow: 0 3px 0 #0d161999, inset 0 3px 0 #95ed3f !important;
.CSSDefineIcn {
	height: 20px !important;
	width: 20px !important;
	margin-top: 4px !important;
	background: center center no-repeat !important;
	background-size: contain !important;
	transform: scale(0.9) !important;
.ClubChampionIcn {
	background-image: url( !important;
.ChampionIcn {
	background-image: url( !important;
.PachinkoIcn {
	background-image: url( !important;
	margin-left: 2px !important;
.LvLGirlIcn {
	background-image: url( !important;
	filter: brightness(100) !important;
.AwakenGirlIcn {
	background-image: url( !important;
.UpgradGirlIcn {
	background-image: url( !important;
	filter: brightness(100) !important;
.MarketIcn {
	background-image: url( !important;
.VillainIcn {
	background-image: url( !important;
.QuestIcn {
	background-image: url( !important;
	margin-top: 3px !important;
.SideQuestIcn {
	background-image: url(/images/quest/ic_SideQuests.svg) !important;
.LeaguesIcn {
	background-image: url( !important;
	transform: scale(1) !important;
.PhanteonIcn {
	background-image: url("") !important;
.ActivitiesIcn {
	background-image: url( !important;

| CSS-Define - Overall |
/*Main Css*/
.base_block {
	background: #000000 repeat !important;
	box-shadow: 0 3px 10px 0 #000 !important;
	border: solid #ff7300 1px !important;
.sub_block {
	background: rgb(0 0 0 / 69%) !important;
.hh_tooltip_new {
	border: 1px solid #ff6700 !important;
	background-color: rgb(0 0 0 / 90%) !important;
	color: #fff !important;
.have_arrows.align-top:before {
	border: 10px solid transparent !important;
	top: auto !important;
	bottom: -19.5px !important;
	border-top-color: #ff6700 !important;
.have_arrows.align-top:after {
	border: 9px solid #ff000000 !important;
	top: auto !important;
	bottom: -17px !important;
	border-top-color: rgb(0 0 0) !important;
.have_arrows.align-bottom:before {
	border: 10px solid transparent !important;
	top: -19.5px !important;
	border-bottom-color: #ff6700 !important;
.have_arrows.align-bottom:after {
	border: 9px solid #ff000000 !important;
	top: -17px !important;
	border-bottom-color: rgb(0 0 0) !important;
#contains_all > nav > [rel=content] .extender {
	display: none;
#contains_all > nav > [rel=content] > div {
	background-color: #000000 !important;
	height: auto !important;
	width: auto !important;
	padding: 18px 10px !important;
	display: grid !important;
	grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr !important;
#contains_all > nav > [rel=content] > div > a {
	width: auto !important;
	height: auto !important;
	margin: 5px 10px !important;
	padding: 5px 9px !important;
	font-size: 12px !important;
	line-height: 20px !important;
#contains_all > nav > [rel=content] > div > a:active,
#contains_all > nav > [rel=content] > div > a:hover {
	background-color: #cc1141 !important;
#contains_all > nav > [rel=content] > div > a > div {
	margin: 0px !important;
#contains_all > nav > [rel=content] > div > a > div ic {
	width: 20px !important;
	height: 20px !important;
#popups #hero_resources_popup {
		background-image: url(, linear-gradient(to top, #000000 0, #000000 1%, #000000 100%) !important;
	background-size: auto !important;
	box-shadow: inset 0 0 40px 15px #66203400 !important;
#hero_resources_popup .popup-title,
#hero_resources_popup .hero-energies-container,
#hero_resources_popup .hero-currencies-container, 
#hero_resources_popup .hero-gems-container,
#hero_resources_popup .hero-orbs-container,
#hero_resources_popup .hero-progressions-container {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #cc1141 !important;
#hero_resources_popup .hero-resources-container .hero-currencies-container >p,
#hero_resources_popup .hero-resources-container .hero-energies-container >p,
#hero_resources_popup .hero-resources-container .hero-gems-container >p,
#hero_resources_popup .hero-resources-container .hero-orbs-container >p,
#hero_resources_popup .hero-resources-container .hero-progressions-container >p {
    margin: 5px !important;
	text-decoration: underline !important;
	text-decoration-color: #cc1141 !important;
/*Battle & Reward - Button change*/
#new_battle #new-battle-skip-btn {
	position: relative !important;
	top: 388px !important;
	z-index: 20 !important;
#rewards_popup .popup_buttons {
	position: relative !important;
	top: 15px !important;
/*Girl Diamondbar*/
.diamond-bar .diamond.unlocked {
	cursor: pointer !important;
	border: 2px solid #fff !important;
	background-color: #cc1141 !important;

| CSS-Define - Function |
/*Show Clubmember*/
.lead_table table tbody tr.IsMember:not(.personal_highlight) > td {
	color: #0e72ff !important;

| • Terminal Button |
/*Shop & PoP*/
#show_PoP_terminal {
	position: relative !important;
/*     pointer-events: none !important; */
#show_terminal img,
#show_PoP_terminal img {
	position: relative !important;
	width: 4rem !important;
	display: block !important;
/*     pointer-events: none !important; */

| • Hide Buttons - Girl Upgrade |
#controls .or,
#controls button[act=HC] {
	display: none !important;
#controls button[act=SC] {
	bottom: 0 !important;

| • Hide Buttons - Shop |
/*Shop - hide [buy/sell] button*//*[type=potion]*/
#shops  button[rel="buy"].orange_text_button.DONTbuy {
	display: none !important;
#shops button[rel=sell].green_text_button.DONTsell {
	display: none !important;
/*Shop - show [buy/sell] button*/
#shops .left-container .bottom-container button,
#shops .right-container .bottom-container button {
	z-index: 1 !important;
/*Shop - left show [buy/sell] button*/
#shops .left-container .bottom-container label#GiveMeThisItem {
	position: absolute !important;
	display: block !important;
	height: 2.5rem !important;
	width: 4rem !important;
	background: none !important;
	cursor: pointer !important;
	z-index: 0 !important;
	top: 83% !important;
	left: 35% !important;
/*Shop - right show [buy/sell] button*/
#shops .right-container .bottom-container label#SellThisItem {
	position: absolute !important;
	display: block !important;
	height: 2.5rem !important;
	width: 4rem !important;
	background: none !important;
	cursor: pointer !important;
	z-index: 0 !important;
	top: 83% !important;
	right: 14% !important;
/*hide booster Shop -> Shop - left show[buy/sell] button*/
#shops #boosters-tab-container .left-container .bottom-container label#GiveMeThisItem {
	display: none !important
| • Hide Buttons - PoP |
/*PoP - terminal [show/hide] button*/
#pop #pop_info label#HiddenPoP,
#pop #pop_info label#ShowPoP {
	position: absolute !important;
	display: block !important;
	height: 0% !important;
	width: 0% !important;
	background: none !important;
	cursor: pointer !important;
	z-index: 100 !important;
	bottom: 97.5% !important;
	right: 12% !i...


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