This theme aims to semi-recreate the new Twitter/Windows-looking Reddit redesign seen in incognito mode. WIP. Currently looks a bit weird on light mode.
Reddit Windowsesque Redesign by Eribetra

LicenseNo License
Size12 kB
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Failed to fetch stats.
30/04/2023: Style created.
02/05/2023: Added "per-OS" font; made post view wider, added comment bubbles.
04/05/2023: Fixed comment bubble overflow; made post preview wider.
16/06/2023: Fixed white and smushed reply textbox; rounded corners to unloaded posts
17/06/2023: Fixed reply textbox size overflow
20/06/2023: Made lots of things rounder (tweaked border radius); expanded post width to 100%; added "more comments" icon similar to the Reddit redesign
18/08/2023: Fixed reply boxes having inconsistent width
17/10/2023: Fixed Fancy Pants markup options not showing up; temporary fix to link markup window appearing under the comments
23/02/2024: Added support
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Reddit Windowsesque Redesign
@version 20230501.21.03
@description This theme aims to recreate the new Twitter/Windows-looking Reddit redesign seen in posts on incognito mode. Currently very WIP.
@author Eribetra
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
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