Fully customizable enhancements for Cinny, yet another Matrix client, and a port of my Dark-Discord userstyle.
Cinny Enhancement Suite by vednoc

LicenseNo License
Size6.4 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
ATM you need to specifically choose light or dark theme from Cinny's settings, but that might be changed in the future.
If you self-host your Cinny instance, don't edit the source code manually to include your domain. Instead, go to userstyle's "Edit" page, click on the "Settings" button, and add your instance to "Custom included sites". As a result, you'll continue receiving automatic updates and have it applied to your custom instance.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Cinny Enhancement Suite
@description Fully customizable enhancements for Cinny.
@namespace github.com/vednoc
@author vednoc
@preprocessor stylus
@version 0.1.2
@var checkbox altDarkMode "π Alternative dark mode" 1
@var color darkBaseBG "ββͺ Base background color [experimental]" #1b2325
@var checkbox darkOverlay "ββͺ Use alternative overlay color" 1
@var checkbox altLightMode "π Alternative light mode" 1
@var color lightBaseBG "ββͺ Base background color [experimental]" #e8e7e0
@var checkbox lightOverlay "ββͺ Use alternative overlay color" 1
@var checkbox shortChat "πΌ Use short chat" 0
@var range chatMaxWidth "ββͺ Limit chat width" [840, 320, 1920, 2, "px"]
@var checkbox chatBorder "ββͺ Limit input box border" 0
@var checkbox shortenNames "π Enable overflow for display names" 1
@var range nameMaxWidth "ββͺ Set max width" [128, 64, 512, 2, "px"]
@var checkbox reactEmotes "Increase size for reaction emotes" 1
@var range emoteSize "ββͺ Set emote size" [24, 16, 64, 4, "px"]
@var checkbox modalBlur "Blur backdrop in modals" 1
@var checkbox modalBorder "Use border around modals" 1
@var checkbox contextMenuBorder "Use border around context menus" 1
@var checkbox messageMenuDelay "Use delaying closing of message options" 1
@var checkbox fixReactionColors "Use proper colors for message reactions" 1
@var checkbox noAvatarAnimation "Remove all animations from avatars" 0
@var checkbox spaceAnimation "Use Discord-like animation for spaces" 1
@var checkbox avatarAnimation "Use animation from spaces in user avatars" 1
@var checkbox fixDrawerSpacing "Use proper spacing in left and right drawers" 1
==/UserStyle== */
i = !important
t = transparent
c() { color: arguments }
bg() { background-color: arguments }
@-moz-document domain("app.cinny.in"), domain("cinny.a.lan") {
:root {
--name: "Cinny Enhancement Suite v0.1.2"
.app-welcome {
position: relative
&::after {
left: 50%
bottom: 1rem
position: absolute
white-space: nowrap
content: var(--name)
transform: translateX(-50%)
c: var(--tc-primary-normal) i
if altLightMode {
body:not([class*='-theme']) {
$bg = lightBaseBG
--bg-surface: $bg
--bg-surface-low: $bg - 4%
--bg-surface-extra-low: $bg - 8%
--bg-surface-border: $bg - 16%
--bg-overlay: transparentify($bg - 10%, $bg, 0.6) if lightOverlay
if altDarkMode {
.dark-theme {
$bg = darkBaseBG
// $bg = #25231b
--bg-surface: $bg
--bg-surface-low: $bg - 10%
--bg-surface-extra-low: $bg - 16%
--bg-surface-border: $bg + 8%
--bg-overlay: transparentify($bg - 20%, $bg, 0.6) if darkOverlay
if contextMenuBorder {
.context-menu { border: 1px solid var(--bg-surface-border) }
if messageMenuDelay {
.message:has(.message__options > [aria-expanded='true']) {
bg: var(--bg-surface-hover) i
.message__options { display: flex }
if shortChat {
// Messages.
// Typing...
// input box.
.room-view__sticky > * {
width: 100%
max-width: chatMaxWidth
margin-inline: auto
// Messages.
.message {
padding-inline: var(--sp-normal) i
border-radius: var(--bo-radius) i
&--focus {
$gradient = 90deg, var(--bg-caution) 4px, t 4px
background-image: linear-gradient($gradient) i
box-shadow: none i
// System eventes.
.timeline-change {
margin-inline: 0 i
padding-inline: var(--sp-normal) i
border-radius: var(--bo-radius) i
// Dividers.
.divider {
padding-left: 0 i
margin-inline: 0 i
// Input box.
.room-input {
padding: var(--sp-extra-tight) calc(var(--sp-tight) - 2px) i
// Reply bar.
.room-reply {
border: 1px solid var(--bg-surface-border)
border-radius: var(--bo-radius)
// Input box.
if chatBorder {
.room-view__sticky {
border: none
> :first-child {
border-top: 1px solid var(--bg-surface-border)
if shortenNames {
.message__profile.text-b1 > span:first-child,
.message__reply > .text > span[style*='color'],
.message .text > [data-mx-pill],
.timeline-change .text > b,
.cmd-bar .text > b {
max-width: nameMaxWidth
white-space: nowrap
overflow: clip
text-overflow: ellipsis
display: inline-block
.msg__reaction {
&--active {
border-color: var(--bg-caution-active) i if fixReactionColors
.react-emoji {
height: emoteSize i if reactEmotes
.raw-modal {
border: 1px solid var(--bg-surface-border) if modalBorder
&__overlay {
backdrop-filter: blur(4px) if modalBlur
if noAvatarAnimation or spaceAnimation {
.sidebar-avatar {
&:not(.sidebar-avatar--active) .notification-badge:empty {
top: 5px
right: 5px
&:hover {
> .avatar-container { transform: none i }
> .notification-badge {
top: 0 i
right: 0 i
transform: translate(20%, -20%)
.message .avatar-container:hover { transform: none i }
if spaceAnimation {
pill = @block {
content: ''
top: 50%
left: -11px
width: 3px
height: 14px
display: block
position: absolute
border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0
transform: translateY(-50%)
background: var(--tc-primary-normal)
transition: 0.3s ease i
.sidebar-avatar {
&:not(.sidebar-avatar--active) {
&::before {
{ pill }
opacity: 0
&:hover::before {
opacity: 1
.avatar-container {
--bo-radius: 50%
transition: 0.3s ease i
.notification-badge {
transition: 0.3s ease i
&--active, &:hover {
.avatar-container { --bo-radius: 8px i }
if avatarAnimation {
.message .avatar-container {
--bo-radius: 50%
transition: 0.3s ease i
&:hover { --bo-radius: 8px i }
if fixDrawerSpacing {
// Left drawer.
.room-selector {
margin-inline: auto i
// Right drawer.
.people-drawer__content > div {
margin-inline: var(--sp-extra-tight) i