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"New Bing" Background by tobyisawesome

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Screenshot of "New Bing" Background



LicenseNo License



Size6.2 kB


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Background from Bing Chat in Main Bing. Many elements such as widgets are reworked to have transparency to support the background.


This is meant to be used with the Fluent Bing skin, and works fine without it.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           New Bing background
@version        1.0.4
@description    Chat BG for Bing
@author         DKoala1087
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
body {
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.l_ecrd_a1 {
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.lite-entcard-blk > div:not(.l_ecrd_bkg_img) {
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.lite-entcard-main {
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#b_content .ans_nws .na_cnt {
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.lite-entcard-exp {
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#tob_rail_container {
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.tl_cl {
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.richrsrailtitle {
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#b_results #brsv3 .b_vList li a {
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.df_alaskcarousel #relatedQnAListDisplay.openAnsWrapper .b_slidebar .slide, #df_listaa .df_topicqna.openAnsWrapper .b_slidebar .slide {
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    display: inline-block;
    background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
.tl_cl .b_overlay {
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.df_alaskcarousel.rqnaContainerwithfeedback .openans_gradient_div {
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#b_pole .b_wpTabsWrapper {
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#b_content #b_pole .ent-dtab-content, #b_content #b_pole .ent-dtab-content > div:first-child {
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#b_pole .b_wpTabsWrapper:last-child {
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#b_header {
    border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0803);
.dg_b {
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    width: calc(100% - 20px);
#rfPane {
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.touchQuery .carousel .carousel-controls, .touchQuery .carousel .items, .touchQuery .carousel .item, .touchQuery .carousel .carousel-controls .nav_left, .touchQuery .carousel .carousel-controls .nav_right {
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.carousel, .carousel a {
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#b_context .b_ans, #b_context #wpc_ag {
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.l_ecrd_imcolheader.gradient .l_ecrd_imcolheader_txt a, .l_ecrd_imcolheader.gradient .l_ecrd_imcolheader_txt a:visited, #bpage .l_ecrd_imcolheader.gradient .l_ecrd_imcolheader_txt a, #bpage .l_ecrd_imcolheader.gradient .l_ecrd_imcolheader_txt a:visited {
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#bpage #b_content .b_ans .l_ecrd_imcolheader.gradient .l_ecrd_imcolheader_txt p, #b_content .b_ans .l_ecrd_imcolheader.gradient .l_ecrd_imcolheader_txt p {
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.l_ecrd_imcolheader.gradient .l_ecrd_imcolheader_txt {
    color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8956);
    position: relative;
    padding-bottom: 16px;
    margin-bottom: 12px;


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