I was just modify fonts to "cursive" family.
However, Hyperlinks saved "monospace".
I'm Japanese Ubuntu user.
I was selected fonts "mikachan" and "Comic Neue".
I'm suggestion type and run under this:
sudo apt install fonts-mikachan fonts-comic-neue
It's first publish.
Maybe, too buggy.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Carefree reading on twitter.com Time Line.
@version 20210907.01.35
@namespace userstyles.world/user/manzyun
@description I was just modify fonts to "cursive" family.
However, Hyperlinks saved "monospace".
# P.S.
I'm Japanese Ubuntu user.
I was selected fonts "mikachan" and "Comic Neue".
I'm suggestion type and run under this:
sudo apt install fonts-mikachan fonts-comic-neue
@author manzyun
@license CC Zero
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("twitter.com") {
div .r-1tl8opc {font-family: "みかちゃん-P", "Comic Neue", cursive}
.r-poiln3{font-family: monospace}