I am now taking requests, if you have a request feel free to drop me a line in a form of a comment in my realmail acct or through discord (same name trust me no one else has it) or wait an eternity for me to check email which probably doesn't ever happen. (its been 10 years since i even opened my email inbox by accident) So discord or gitlab in the form of an issue or request. One other way is to write down your request on piece of paper, fold it up and put it in an envelope. Go to the store, buy a 40oz beer, drink it (or not), put the envelope inside the bottle once it is dry, then put the lid on tight. Find the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean, toss it (make sure the current is going off-shore) and wait a few El-Ninos and La-Nin
as, after about 14 years you should find your request filled. Just note that replies take 28 years in this manner so I hope you are at least semi-immortal or have some really good patience.