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Flickr WideScreen - Pool No Beta - Small 224 (USw) by decembre

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Screenshot of Flickr WideScreen - Pool No Beta - Small 224 (USw)







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Compact view for Poll no Beta :
Smaller thumbnails for less scrolling and faster explore a pool in No Beta mode...


NOTES (2023.09):

  • Update ONLY on (USw) and GreasyFork: is broken for me (their new design don't permit Login! - request done 2023.08)

▶ This userstyle work with my "Flickr WideSreen" userstyles.
For a better results, you can install all of them at once.

For that you have 2 alternatives.

UserStyles World (USw):
Flickr WideScreen - BigONE(USw)

Flickr WideScreen - BigONE [GreasyFork]
About this new function in GreasyFork, read:
[Beta] User CSS support

▶ Last Changes:

  • (2023.09) Total rework for "Pool no BETA":
    That should fix the problem of thumbnails not displaying.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Flickr WideScreen - Pool No Beta - Small v.224 (USw)
@namespace    USO Archive
@author       decembre
@description  Compact view for Poll no Beta :  Small thumbnails for less scrolling and faster explore a pool in Beta mode...
@version      20230904.03.47
@license      NONE
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */

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/* ====   FLICKR - 00 - Flickr WideScreen - Pooll No Beta - SMALL v.224COM (JUnew) - POOL no BETA REWORK  ===== */
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/* FAVS */
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/* POOL no BETA - TOG BUT */
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/* ==== END ==== */



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