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Codeforces Zen Black by funcdfs



LicenseNo License



Size10 kB


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Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Codeforces Zen Black 
@version      2024
@namespace    funcdfs
@description  Codeforces Zen mode & dark mode original:
@author       funcdfs
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
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@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
/* Codeforces Datatable and Problem table */

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body #body .datatable  .problems .right img{
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body #body .datatable .problems .accepted-problem {
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@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
/* Compatible with carrot extensions */
.carrot-final-delta > span,
.carrot-final-performance > span,
.carrot-rank-change .rated-user {
    filter: invert(1);
} > span, > span {
    filter: invert(0) !important;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
/* Compatible with Codeforces Enhancer extensions */
body #body .datatable .l-gcpp,
body #body .datatable .l-gcc,
body #body .datatable .l-java,
body #body .datatable .l-kotlin,
body #body .datatable .l-csharp,
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body #body .datatable .l-haskell,
body #body .datatable .l-ocaml,
body #body .datatable .l-scala {
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body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-gcpp > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-gcc > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-java > span,
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body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-csharp > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-python2 > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-python3 > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-pypy > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-d > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-go > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-rust > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-delphi > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-js > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-perl > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-php > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-ruby > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-haskell > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-ocaml > span,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-scala > span {
    filter: invert(0);

body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-gcpp > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-gcc > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-java > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-kotlin > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-csharp > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-python2 > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-python3 > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-pypy > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-d > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-go > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-rust > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-delphi > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-js > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-perl > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-php > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-ruby > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-haskell > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-ocaml > span.cell-rejected,
body #body .datatable td[problemid].l-scala > span.cell-rejected {
    filter: invert(0.65);


@-moz-document url-prefix("") {


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