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Tumblr – Custom Dashboard Palette by ghost

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Screenshot of Tumblr – Custom Dashboard Palette



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Set custom colors for your Tumblr dashboard.


Tumblr – Custom Dashboard Palette

Use alongside Old Tumblr Dashboard (Userstyle) by Pixiel to get the old dashboard layout back.


Just a simple userstyle for setting custom colors, font sizes, and font family for the tumblr dashboard. Supports full and tiling backgrounds.

This theme will update automatically when I make changes to the code here on github if you have auto update enabled in Stylus. The default theme is inspired by the old dashboard and uses its old blue hue.

Click here to skip directly to installation instructions.

Screenshots (Updated Jun. 2024)

Default theme:
Screenshot of default theme.
Click for larger preview.

This style is also compatible with Old Tumblr Dashboard (Userstyle) by Pixiel:
Screenshot of default theme plus Old Tumblr Dashboard by Pixiel.
Click for larger preview.

Custom example #1:
Screenshot of my personal theme.
Click for larger preview.

Custom example #2:
Screenshot of a custom theme.
Click for larger preview.

Custom example #3:
Screenshot of the tagged dragons page with a custom theme.
Click for larger preview.

Screenshot of alternate navigation styling (Pills):
Screenshot of my personal theme featuring the Pills navigation style
Click for larger preview.

How to Install:

  1. Get the userstyle manager Stylus, if you don't already have it.
  2. Click this link to view the raw user.css or install it through the Mirror, which will automatically open it in Stylus for you to review.
  3. Click 'Install Style', and leave 'Check for Updates' checked for automatic updates.
  4. Customize away! If you don't know how to customize styles, check out these pages.
  5. If installing alongside Old Tumblr Dashboard (Userstyle) by Pixiel, don't forget to enable the Compatibility Fixes option.


  • This style will only change the look of the beta post editor, the new dashboard, and any other pages that have been updated to use the new layout.
  • Most of the options are self-explanatory, but there are a few that might need clarification:
    • Alt Nav Styling = Changes the look of the left hand column since the large solid bar can be ugly, especially with custom backgrounds. Allows for no BG or a list of rounded pills.
    • Dashboard Tabs = See screenshot #2. If you're on a newer version of the dashboard, there is now a set of tabs under the post creation tools that allows you to switch between different 'feeds' of posts directly on the dashboard. The defaults are Following and Suggested Posts, but more experimental feeds can be added via Tumblr Labs. The dash shows your Following feed by default, so this option exists to allow you to hide the tabs menu if you don't like it/won't use it.
    • Layout Fixes for Custom Backgrounds = Adds solid backgrounds to many sidebar/header elements and pages (ex. the activity page) that don't have them by default.
    • Modal Color = The color of the semi-transparent overlay that appears when you open up the post editor, go to delete a post, block someone, etc.
    • Menus Hover BG Color = the bg color that appears when hovering over some menu options. Places it's currently used: activity popup, messaging list popup, activity page, following & followers pages.
    • Modal Reccomendations = when clicked to view full size, some images now suggest similar posts directly inside the modal itself underneath the fullsize picture. this toggle gives you the option to hide or show these suggested posts.
    • Inline Recommendations = this will hide the following inline recommendations:
      • bonecoin ad / answertime link
      • inline blog suggestions ('check out these blogs')
      • inline tag suggestions on /tagged/ pages
      • the 'You're caught up. Check these out' carousel
    • This theme will NOT hide 'In Your Orbit', 'Based On Your Likes', or 'Because You Follow #Tag' posts, but these can all be disabled via toggles found on this page of the tumblr account settings.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Tumblr – Custom Dashboard Palette
@version        0.6.17
@description    `Set custom colors for your Tumblr dashboard.`

@advanced dropdown font "Font Family" {
font1 "Default (Favorit)" <<<EOT "Favorit", "Helvetica Neue", "HelveticaNeue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif EOT;
font7 "Custom" <<<EOT var(--custom-font) EOT;
font2 "Arial" <<<EOT arial, sans-serif EOT;
font3 "Verdana" <<<EOT Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif EOT;
font4 "Helvetica" <<<EOT 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif EOT;
font5 "Monospace" <<<EOT monospace EOT;
font6 "Cursive" <<<EOT cursive EOT;
font8 "1785 Baskerville" <<<EOT '1785 GLC Baskerville', serif EOT;
font9 "Arquitecta" <<<EOT 'Arquitecta', sans-serif EOT;
font10 "Alternate Gothic" <<<EOT 'Alternate Gothic', sans-serif EOT;
font11 "Avalon" <<<EOT 'Avalon', sans-serif EOT;
font12 "Bookmania" <<<EOT 'Bookmania', serif EOT;
font13 "Brutal Type" <<<EOT 'Brutal Type', serif EOT;
font14 "Calluna" <<<EOT 'Calluna', serif EOT;
font15 "Calluna Sans" <<<EOT 'Calluna Sans', sans-serif EOT;
font16 "Capita" <<<EOT 'Capita', serif EOT;
font17 "Clarendon" <<<EOT 'Clarendon Text Pro', serif EOT;
font18 "Clearface" <<<EOT 'Clearface FS', serif EOT;
font19 "Fang Song" <<<EOT 'FangSong', 'STFangsong', sans-serif EOT;
font20 "Garamond" <<<EOT 'Garamond Classic FS', serif EOT;
font21 "Georgia" <<<EOT Georgia, Palatino, 'Palatino Linotype', Times, 'Times New Roman' serif EOT;
font22 "Gibson" <<<EOT 'Gibson', sans-serif EOT;
font23 "Grumpy" <<<EOT 'Grumpy Black 48', serif EOT;
font24 "Kaiti" <<<EOT 'Kaiti TC', 'KaiTi', sans-serif EOT;
font25 "Lorimer No 2" <<<EOT 'Lorimer No 2', sans-serif EOT;
font26 "Lucida Sans" <<<EOT 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', sans-serif EOT;
font27 "News Gothic" <<<EOT 'News Gothic FS', sans-serif EOT;
font28 "Pratt Pro" <<<EOT 'Pratt Pro', serif EOT;
font29 "Quadrat" <<<EOT 'Quadrat', serif EOT;
font30 "Sim Hei" <<<EOT 'SimHei', 'STHeiti', sans-serif EOT;
font31 "Sofia Pro" <<<EOT 'Sofia Pro', sans-serif EOT;
font32 "Square Serif" <<<EOT 'Square Serif', serif EOT;
font33 "Typewriter" <<<EOT 'Typewriter FS', serif EOT;

@advanced text customfont "Custom Font (Select 'Custom' Above)" "OpenDyslexic"
@advanced range fontsize "Main Font Size" [16, 10, 30, 0.5, 'px']
@advanced range menufontsize "Menu Font Size" [16, 10, 30, 0.5, 'px']

@advanced text bgimage "Custom Background Image URL (Must include https://)" ""
@advanced dropdown bgpos "Background Position" {
bgpos1 "Center" <<<EOT center EOT;
bgpos2 "Top Left" <<<EOT top left EOT;
bgpos3 "Top Right" <<<EOT top right EOT;
bgpos4 "Bottom Left" <<<EOT bottom left EOT;
bgpos5 "Bottom Right" <<<EOT bottom right EOT;
@advanced dropdown bgrepeat "Background Repeat" {
bgrepeat1 "Repeat" <<<EOT repeat EOT;
bgrepeat2 "Repeat Vertically" <<<EOT repeat-y EOT;
bgrepeat3 "Repeat Horizontally" <<<EOT repeat-x EOT;
bgrepeat4 "Don't Repeat" <<<EOT no-repeat EOT;
@advanced dropdown bgsize "Background Size" {
bgsize1 "Cover" <<<EOT cover EOT;
bgsize2 "Auto" <<<EOT auto EOT;
@advanced dropdown bgasidefix "Layout Fixes for Custom Backgrounds" {
bgasidefix2 "Disable" <<<EOT  EOT;
bgasidefix1 "Enable" <<<EOT 
    /*fix layering issues caused by pseudo element bgs,
    2nd is for likes page*\/
    body#tumblr main,
    body#tumblr .lSyOz > .NLCTe {
        position: relative;
        z-index: 3;
    1. return button
    2. blog search
    3. tagged page sidebar
    4. search header w/ dropdown menus
    body#tumblr .RkANE.r1Zq6 .a5Orv > button[style],
    body#tumblr .RkANE .DCCfo[style] .tUznf,
    body#tumblr .YOf31.FLoBV,
    body#tumblr .noOPT {
        z-index: 4;
    body#tumblr aside > div {
        border-radius: 3px;
    /*dashboard tabs aesthetic fix*\/
    body#tumblr .Dk06o.X4W3M.tMMUn {
        border-radius: 3px;
        margin-bottom: 16px;
    /*following recommendation list el*\/
    body#tumblr aside ul.PwJi6 {
        width: 100%;
        padding: 0em;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    /*fix hover background for recommended blogs to include the dismiss icon in the bg color *\/
    body#tumblr aside .PwJi6 .Ut4iZ:not(.veU9u):focus-within,
    body#tumblr aside .PwJi6 .Ut4iZ:not(.veU9u):hover {
        background: transparent;
    body#tumblr aside .PwJi6 button[aria-label="Follow"] > .f68ED {
        margin-right: 0;
    body#tumblr aside .PwJi6 .kqme1:hover,
    body#tumblr aside .PwJi6 .kqme1:focus-within {
        background-color: rgba(var(--white-on-dark),.07);
    1. tag follow suggestion box
    2. followed tags sidebar container *\/
    body#tumblr aside .lc7tb,
    body#tumblr aside .Wlk_Y{
        background-color: rgb(var(--white));
    /*pseudoelement bg added to:
        1. tagged page sidebar divs (.ZN143),
        2. explore page (.sM_HY),
        3. 'follow some tags' msg (.ze1ym),
        4. followed tags div (.D3Fsg),
        5. sidebar lists,
        6. new search page divs (.MV1bs)
        7. browse communities header
    body#tumblr aside ._3RuXz,
    body#tumblr aside .ZN143,
    body#tumblr aside .sM_HY,
    body#tumblr aside .ze1ym,
    body#tumblr aside .D3Fsg,
    body#tumblr aside ul,
    body#tumblr aside .MV1bs,
    body#tumblr .kTmxA._7Rw7{
        position: relative;
        z-index: 2;
    body#tumblr aside ._3RuXz::before,
    body#tumblr aside .ZN143::before,
    body#tumblr aside .sM_HY::before,
    body#tumblr aside .ze1ym::before,
    body#tumblr aside .D3Fsg::before,
    body#tumblr aside ul::before,
    body#tumblr aside .MV1bs::before,
    body#tumblr .kTmxA._7Rw7::before {
        content: '';
        top: 0; left: 0;
        width: 100%; height: 100%;
        border-radius: 3px;
        position: absolute;
        z-index: -1;
        background: rgb(var(--white));
    /*  1. follower header (main.FdbiI > .qF_aN)
        2. activity page bg (.gPQR5 > .lSyOz > .usqcu)
        3. explore page header (.gPQR5.FGfuE .EHHOR > .p4DiZ)
        4. tagged page header (.gPQR5 > .lSyOz > .p4DiZ)
        5. inline headers on dash for recommendations (.So6RQ .HphhS)
        6. Likes page header (.vHTlu)
        7. 'explore all of tumblr' link (a.I_SFh)
        8. 'show more blogs' on tagged pages (aside button[aria-label="Show more blogs"])
        9. your favorite blogs header (body#tumblr aside .BUJbj + span.ou0Pr)
        10. account settings sidebar sections (.gPQR5 > .e1knl > .FZkjV)
        11. Post+ Header (label._tfCg)
        12. gift page container
        13. Set up post+ page help footer,
        14. Post+ Manage Subscriptions header
        15. payouts page header
        16. post+ creator profile header
        17. post+ creator profile info sidebar
        18. post+ creator profile 'perks of supporting me'
        19. blaze page blog dropdown
        20. blaze page title
        21. div holding suggested tags on /tagged/ page
        22. q&a page 'live now'
        24. search page header w/ dropdown menus
        25. communities page 'explore more #TYPE' header
    body#tumblr main.FdbiI > .qF_aN,
    body#tumblr .gPQR5 > .lSyOz > .usqcu,
    body#tumblr .gPQR5.FGfuE .EHHOR > .p4DiZ,
    body#tumblr .gPQR5 > .lSyOz > .p4DiZ,
    body#tumblr .So6RQ .HphhS,
    body#tumblr .vHTlu,
    body#tumblr aside > div > a.I_SFh,
    body#tumblr aside button[aria-label="Show more blogs"],
    body#tumblr aside .BUJbj + span.ou0Pr,
    body#tumblr .gPQR5 > .e1knl > .FZkjV,
    body#tumblr label._tfCg,
    body#tumblr .lSyOz > main.u6RxV,
    body#tumblr .CkO9m .SQ8f7 + .WC8IR,
    body#tumblr .GPkuc .qJDLB,
    body#tumblr .n0gF4 h1,
    body#tumblr .iM0gm .fNegy > h2,
    body#tumblr .Yifyh,
    body#tumblr .LQiMV,
    body#tumblr main.jFZSo > .xOkYn,
    body#tumblr .e1knl .u0h7H.axfMS, /*blaze page blog dropdown*\/
    body#tumblr #blaze-post-title,
    body#tumblr .ovT1K,
    body#tumblr .zKC5L.P39Zg .EXJlM,
    body#tumblr .noOPT,
    body#tumblr .giJ9D .Clr4j {
        background: rgb(var(--navy));
        padding: 0.2em;
        border-radius: 3px;
    /*more like this blog view header*\/
    body#tumblr .DCCfo h1.hF8Wr {
        background: var(--color-bluespace-card-background);
        padding: 0.2em;
        border-radius: 3px;
    /*blaze navigation tabs*\/
    body#tumblr #blaze-post-title + ._I4db{
        background: rgb(var(--navy));
        height: auto;
        min-height: 40px;
        padding: 0 0.2em;
        border-radius: 3px;
        1. blaze tab "your posts" posts wrapper
        2. blaze tab "campaigns"
    body#tumblr #blaze-post-title ~ .L7irW,
    body#tumblr #blaze-post-title ~ .yhjb8 {
        background: rgb(var(--navy));
        padding: 0.5em;
        border-radius: 3px;
    /*blaze navigation tabs fix margins*\/
    body#tumblr #blaze-post-title + ._I4db .ws4bG {
        margin: auto;
    #blaze-post-title::before {
        padding: 0.2em;
    /*1. blaze page blog dropdown fix z-index + styling
      2. fix z-index of post controls
    body#tumblr .e1knl .u0h7H.axfMS {
        padding: 0;
    body#tumblr .e1knl .u0h7H.axfMS .ybmTG, body#tumblr .W9hfZ .ybmTG {
        z-index: 4;
    /*post plus full width header*\/
    body#tumblr label._tfCg {
        display: block;
        width: 100%;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    /*blaze fix header padding*\/
    body#tumblr div.lSyOz div.EWtXS div.g1XPu .IDlMi,
    body#tumblr div.lSyOz div.EWtXS div.g1XPu .nzAnV {
        padding: 0 0.1em;
    /*radar remove spacing bet...


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