Making your janitor experience YOURS
More Customization by thite06
LicenseNo License
Size10 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
A sister style to my C.AI QOL style, this one focused on customization as there's nothing really to fix.
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name More Customization
@version 1.1.1
@description Making your janitor experience YOURS
@author thite06
@preprocessor stylus
@var number widerchat "Chat width % (0 for default)" 0
@var select textbubbles "Chat bubbles" ["Separated", "Joined", "None*"]
@var checkbox alternating "Alternating chat" 0
@var text theme "Theme color (RGBHex in quotes)" "0"
@var select backgroundtype "Background type" ["z:Default*", "t:Theme color", "1:1>2", "2:2>1"]
@var checkbox backgroundchat "Main page background in chat" 0
@var text color1 "Custom color 1 (RGBHex in quotes)" "0"
@var checkbox color2override "Color 2 = darker color 1 (Override)" 1
@var text color2 "Custom color 2 (RGBHex in quotes)" "0"
@var select tags "Hide sender" ["z:None*", "n:Name", "p:PFP", "all:Both"]
@var checkbox headerhide "Hide chat header" 0
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("")
if backgroundtype==t
body > div[id="root"] > div
background: convert(theme);
if backgroundtype==1
if color1!="0"
if color2!="0" || color2override
body > div[id="root"] > div
if color2override
--color2: darken(convert(color1), 20%)
--color2: convert(color2)
background: linear-gradient(var(--color2) 0%, var(--color2) 50.65%, rgba(convert(color1)) 100%);
body > div[id="root"] > div
background: linear-gradient(rgb(49, 51, 56) 0%, rgb(49, 51, 56) 50.65%, rgba(convert(color1)) 100%);
else if color2!="0"
body > div[id="root"] > div
background: linear-gradient(rgb(convert(color2)) 0%, rgb(convert(color2)) 50.65%, rgba(255, 47, 220, 0.324) 100%);
if backgroundtype==2
if color2!="0"
if color1!="0" || color2override
body > div[id="root"] > div
if color2override
--color1: darken(convert(color2), 20%)
--color1: convert(color1)
background: linear-gradient(var(--color1) 0%, var(--color1) 50.65%, rgba(convert(color2)) 100%);
body > div[id="root"] > div
background: linear-gradient(rgb(49, 51, 56) 0%, rgb(49, 51, 56) 50.65%, rgba(convert(color2)) 100%);
else if color1!="0"
body > div[id="root"] > div
background: linear-gradient(rgb(convert(color1)) 0%, rgb(convert(color1)) 50.65%, rgba(255, 47, 220, 0.324) 100%);
/* Here's hoping this never breaks. */
/* Also, I absolutely hate how these colors are listed. They could've rooted all of them, but no. Now I have to go out of my way to find every single color difference and change theme to match the theme in a satisfying way. */
if theme!="0"
background: linear-gradient(140deg, lighten(convert(theme), 10%) 0%, convert(theme) 40%, lighten(convert(theme), 4%) 90%, lighten(convert(theme), 8%) 100%) !important;
background: linear-gradient(141deg, rgba(lighten(convert(theme), 10%), 0.12) 12.3558%, rgba(convert(theme), 0.22) 36.8364%, rgba(lighten(convert(theme), 4%), 0.46) 80.13%, rgba(lighten(convert(theme), 8%), 0.22) 100%) !important
background: linear-gradient(to top, darken(convert(theme), 42%), var(--chakra-colors-transparent)) !important;
box-shadow: convert(theme) 0px 0px 24px 0px inset !important;
color: lighten(convert(theme), 30%) !important;
background: rgba(darken(convert(theme), 50%), .62)
.css-1sxhvxh > div.css-0
background: linear-gradient(140deg, lighten(convert(theme), 10%) 0%, convert(theme) 40%, lighten(convert(theme), 4%) 90%, lighten(convert(theme), 8%) 100%) !important;
box-shadow: darken(convert(theme), 60%) 0px 1px 1px 1px !important;
border: 1px solid darken(convert(theme), 60%) !important;
--badge-color: lighten(convert(theme), 60%) !important;
/* These guys are cool tho */
--chakra-colors-main: darken(convert(theme), 20%) !important;
@-moz-document url-prefix("")
/* I'm learning. This won't be backported to the qol. */
if alternating
main > div > div > div:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > div:not(:has(img[alt="Character Icon"]))
direction: rtl;
main > div > div > div:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > div:not(:has(img[alt="Character Icon"])) > li > div:has(button)
left: 0px;
right: unset;
main > div > div > div:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > div:not(:has(img[alt="Character Icon"])) > * > * > * > *
direction: ltr;
.css-1c2za90:not(:has(img[alt="Character Icon"])) > .css-16u3s6f
width: 100%
direction: ltr;
if textbubbles!="None"
if color1=="0"
if theme=="0"
--color1: rgba(128, 90, 213, 0.6)
--color1: rgba(darken(convert(theme), 20%), 0.6)
--color1: convert(color1)
if color2=="0" or color2override
if color1=="0" or !color2override
if !color2override
if theme=="0"
--color2: rgba(128, 90, 213, 0.6)
--color2: rgba(convert(theme), 0.6)
if theme=="0"
--color2: rgba(darken(rgb(128, 90, 213), 50%), 0.6);
--color2: rgba(darken(convert(theme), 50%), 0.6);
--color2: darken(convert(color1), 20%)
--color2: convert(color2)
if textbubbles=="Separated"
/* I originally used the same padding as seen in for their chat bubbles, but then decided to shrink it to 0.5rem instead for a much cleaner look. It lines up closely if not perfectly with the pfp of the sender when a message is a single line long.*/
main > div > div > div:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > div:not(:has(img[alt="Character Icon"])) > li > div > div > div > div > div > p
background: var(--color1);
padding: 0.5rem;
border-radius: 10px;
width: fit-content;
main > div > div > div:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > div:has(img[alt="Character Icon"]) > li > div > div > div > div > div > p, main > div > div > div > div > div > div > li > div > div > div > div > div > p
background: var(--color2);
padding: 0.5rem;
border-radius: 10px;
width: fit-content;
if textbubbles=="Joined"
main > div > div > div:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > div:not(:has(img[alt="Character Icon"])) > li > div > div > div:has(p)
background: var(--color1);
padding: 0.5rem !important;
border-radius: 10px;
width: fit-content;
main > div > div > div:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > div:has(img[alt="Character Icon"]) > li > div > div > div:has(p), main > div > div > div > div > div > div > li > div > div > div:has(p)
background: var(--color2);
padding: 0.5rem !important;
border-radius: 10px;
width: fit-content;
if widerchat
--chakra-sizes-2xl: widerchat vw
/* The reasons this came back are simple. It could be for a more immersive chat, there's an argument to be made for more chat space, but i choose the reason of validating my addition of chat bubbles. :) */
if tags==p or tags==all
main > div > div > div:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > div > li > div > div > img, main > div > div > div:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > div > div > div > li > div > div > img
display: none
if tags==n or tags==all
main > div > div > div:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > div > li > div > div > div:not(:has(p)), main > div > div > div:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > div > div > div > li > div > div > div:not(:has(p))
/* Used visibilty here instead in order to preserve spacing at the very least. Losing spacing on the sides makes sense for the image as all that does is make there be more room for text, but losing spacing on the top and bottom makes it harder to tell who's text belongs to who when you also turn off the pfp.*/
visibility: hidden
if backgroundchat
if backgroundtype==t
body > div[id="root"] > div > div
background: convert(theme) !important;
if backgroundtype==1
if color1!="0"
if color2!="0" || color2override
body > div[id="root"] > div > div
if color2override
--color2: darken(convert(color1), 20%)
--color2: convert(color2)
background: linear-gradient(var(--color2) 0%, var(--color2) 50.65%, rgba(convert(color1)) 100%);
body > div[id="root"] > div > div
background: linear-gradient(rgb(49, 51, 56) 0%, rgb(49, 51, 56) 50.65%, rgba(convert(color1)) 100%);
else if color2!="0"
body > div[id="root"] > div > div
background: linear-gradient(rgb(convert(color2)) 0%, rgb(convert(color2)) 50.65%, rgba(255, 47, 220, 0.324) 100%);
if backgroundtype==2
if color2!="0"
if color1!="0" || color2override
body > div[id="root"] > div > div
if color2override
--color1: darken(convert(color2), 20%)
--color1: convert(color1)
background: linear-gradient(var(--color1) 0%, var(--color1) 50.65%, rgba(convert(color2)) 100%);
body > div[id="root"] > div > div
background: linear-gradient(rgb(49, 51, 56) 0%, rgb(49, 51, 56) 50.65%, rgba(convert(color2)) 100%);
else if color1!="0"