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StretchGPT: Extra Wide ChatGPT Conversations by m1kethai

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Set of configurable features to expand/resize ChatGPT's main chat area, tweak key UI aspects, apply dynamic custom colors, hide annoying elements, and more.



A collection of robust, configurable ChatGPT enhancements that allow you to expand/resize the main chat area and tweak many other key aspects of the UI. Plus some additional toggleable features for dynamic color customization and hiding some annoying elements.

Page URL

Additional Features/Options:

Color customization

  • 40+ included color presets to liven up the bland default color palette.
  • Individual toggles in the Userstyle options menu for applying the preset color to user message bubbles and prompt input/composer components.
  • Apply the color to only the message bubble, or the bubble + the whole message container/row behind it.
  • All color-related features disabled by default.

Expand chat bubbles

  • Allow the chat bubbles to expand and fill all of the available space (with a reasonable hard width limit set, so it doesn't become unusable on XXL screens).
  • Remove the disclaimer text fixed to the bottom of the window ("ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info."), freeing up a bit more space for the actual chat content and giving a cleaner overall look.

The following upcoming features are in the works, so make sure to keep an eye out for updates!

  • Configurable width for the main chat area. βœ…
  • Many more super cool color presets.
  • Resizable prompt/composer component.
  • Color picker to enable 100% custom colors, alongside the presets.
  • Expandable sidebar/chat selector menu.
  • Apply custom color to the header and sidebar.
  • Apply the custom color to the main chat area background as a subtle, classy tint.

ChatGPT receives pretty frequent front-end updates and it's tough to immediately catch every breaking change that they push. So don't hesitate to create an issue on the Userstyle's GitHub repo if you come across any broken functionality. Also feel free to create a new GH issue or or shoot me an email if you have any specific feature or improvement requests. All feedback is welcome!

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         StretchGPT: Extra Wide ChatGPT Conversations
@version      6.5
@author       m1kethai
@description  A set of ChatGPT enhancements that allows you to expand/resize the width of the main chat area, along with several additional configurable features for tweaking other key aspects of the UI, applying classy color customizations, and hiding some annoying elements.
@preprocessor less
@var select   stretchFactor             "🧘 Stretch Factor" {
    "β›” Disabled":     "0",
    "🀏 Conservative": "1",
    "✨ Roomy":        "2",
    "πŸ‘Ή Spacious*":    "3",
    "🫨 Unrestricted": "4"
@var checkbox enableChatBubbleStretch   "πŸ—―οΈ Expand user message bubbles to max available width" 0
@var checkbox hideDisclaimer            "⚠️ Hide disclaimer @ bottom (\"ChatGPT can make mistakes...\")" 0
@var checkbox enableColorization        "πŸ”“ Unlock color customization options" 0
@var checkbox enableColorizeComposer    "🌈 Colorize: Composer/prompt input components" 1
@var checkbox enableColorizeBubble      "🌈 Colorize: User message bubbles" 1
@var checkbox enableColorizeBubbleAndBg "+ Full message BG [option above must be enabled]" 0
@var select   colorPreset               "🎨 Color Preset:" {
    "Absinthe*":            "#76b583",
    "Aged Sage":            "#8da572",
    "Akira":                "#840000",
    "Amaretto":             "#ab6f60",
    "Ancient Gold":         "#b59410",
    "Aztek":                "#293432",
    "Black Pearl":          "#1e272c",
    "Black Sabbath":        "#220022",
    "Blue Moss":            "#5D737E",
    "Cardamom":             "#aaaa77",
    "Caviar":               "#292a2d",
    "Chrysanthemum":        "#c35458",
    "Cyber Grape":          "#58427C",
    "Cyprus":               "#545a3e",
    "Dark and Stormy":      "#353f51",
    "Deep Jungle":          "#1A2421",
    "Deep Space":           "#2D3142",
    "Dusty Turquoise":      "#5a8a89",
    "Earl Grey":            "#a6978a",
    "Emerald":              "#0f380f",
    "FF06B5":               "#FF06B5",
    "Gameboy Teal":         "#0ABFBC",
    "Japanese Violet":      "#5B3256",
    "Lobster Bisque":       "#FFDAB9",
    "Obsidian Ash":         "#343434",
    "Prince":               "#4b384c",
    "Purple Haze":          "#807396",
    "Raichu":               "#fc8c2c",
    "Sailor Moon":          "#ffee00",
    "Sakura Bloom":         "#ff7b9c",
    "Sanguine":             "#6c110e",
    "Sapphired":            "#5b82a6",
    "Sharp Indigo":         "#48007c",
    "Steampunk Leather":    "#6f3b34",
    "Super Blue Lavender": "#5a5b9f",
    "Tokyo Midnight":       "#1a1a2e",
    "Wasabi":               "#afd77f",
    "Wasabi Peanut":        "#b4c79c",

==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
    html {
        /* ===== BREAKPOINTS & SELECTORS ===== */
        #set-breakpoints() {
            @sm: ~"screen and (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 767px)";
            @sm-max: ~"screen and (max-width: 767px)";
            @md: ~"screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px)";
            @md-up: ~"screen and (min-width: 768px)";
            @md-max: ~"screen and (max-width: 1023px)";
            @lg: ~"screen and (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1535px)";
            @lg-up: ~"screen and (min-width: 1024px)";
            @lg-max: ~"screen and (max-width: 1535px)";
            @xl: ~"screen and (min-width: 1536px) and (max-width: 2047px)";
            @xl-up: ~"screen and (min-width: 1536px)";
            @xl-max: ~"screen and (max-width: 2047px)";
            @xxl: ~"screen and (min-width: 2048px) and (max-width: 2559px)";
            @xxl-up: ~"screen and (min-width: 2048px)";
            @xxl-max: ~"screen and (max-width: 2559px)";
            @xxxl: ~"screen and (min-width: 2560px)";
            @mobile: @sm-max;
            @desktop: @md-up;
        #set-selectors() {
            @-sidebar:     ;
            @-header:      ;
            @-chat:                  .composer-parent;
            @-chat__entry:           @{-chat} article:has(.group\/conversation-turn);
            @-chat__entry__outer:    @{-chat__entry} > div;
            @-chat__entry__inner:    @{-chat__entry__outer} > div;
            @-chat__entry--user:     @{-chat__entry}:not(:has(.agent-turn));
            @-chat__entry--gpt:      @{-chat__entry}:has(div[data-message-author-role="assistant"]);
            @-chat__prompt:          #composer-background;
            @-chat__footer:          @{-chat} div\:px-\[60px\];
            @-composer-view__footer: @{-chat} .text-token-text-secondary.empty\\:px-\[60px\].lg\:absolute;

            @-sm--chat:              @{-header} ~ main div.flex-1.overflow-hidden;
            @-sm--chat__entry:       .text-message;
            @-sm--chat__entry--user: .text-message[data-message-author-role="user"];
            @-sm--chat__entry--gpt:  .text-message[data-message-author-role="assistant"];
            @-sm--chat__footer:      @{-sm--chat} ~ div.w-full;

        /* ===== CORE FUNCTIONALITY/STRETCH ===== */
        & when (@stretchFactor >=1) {
  \/conversation-turn {
                padding-left: 0 !important;
                padding-right: 0 !important;

            @{-chat__entry__inner} {
                @sfWidths: {
                    conservative: 85%, 80%, 70%;
                    roomy: 95%, 90%, 80%;
                    spacious: 97%, 90%, 90%;
                    unrestricted: 98%, 99%, 99%;
                @viewportWidths: if(
                    @stretchFactor =1, @sfWidths[conservative], if(
                    @stretchFactor =2, @sfWidths[roomy], if(
                    @stretchFactor =3, @sfWidths[spacious], @sfWidths[unrestricted]

                --mw: 100%;
                @media @md {
                    --mw: max(48rem, extract(@viewportWidths, 1)) !important;
                } @media @lg {
                    --mw: extract(@viewportWidths, 2) !important;
                } @media @xl-up {
                    --mw: extract(@viewportWidths, 3) !important;
                max-width: var(--mw);

        /* ===== STRETCH USER MESSAGE BUBBLES ===== */
        & when (@enableChatBubbleStretch =1) {
            --user-chat-width: 100% !important;

        /* ===== HIDE DISCLAIMER ===== */
        & when(@hideDisclaimer =1) {
            @{-sm--chat__footer} {
                div.min-h-8 {
                    display: none !important;
                padding-bottom: 0.75rem;

        /* ===== COLORIZATION ===== */
        .colorLib() {
            .defaults(dark) {
                @colors: {
                    @bg: #212121; @text: #ececec;
            .defaults(light) {
                @colors: {
                    @bg: white; @text: #0d0d0d;

            .bgTint(@theme, @base) {
                @sat: round(saturation(@blended));
                @blended: if(
                    @theme =light,
                    mix(@base, @colorPreset, 90%),
                        luma(@colorPreset) < 5%,
                        mix(@base, @colorPreset, 70%)
                @faded: fadeout(@blended,
                    if(@sat <= 55%, 0%,
                        if(@sat < 70%, 40%,
                            if(@sat < 90%, 50%,
                    ), relative
                @result: if(@theme =light, @blended, @faded);

            /* Set text/foreground color to a dark or light preset to maximize contrast against the @bgc (threshold - 43%) */
            // TODO - add option to directly use @colorPreset as the FG color if it passes the accessible contrast threshold
            .accessibleFg(@bgc, @l: #ececec, @d: #0d0d0d) {
                @result: contrast(@bgc, @l, @d);

        .colorize(@theme: dark) {
            @baseColors: .colorLib.defaults(@theme)[];
            @tintedBg: .colorLib.bgTint(@theme, @baseColors[@bg])[];
            @accessibleText: .colorLib.accessibleFg(@tintedBg)[];

            .apply() {
                background-color: @tintedBg !important;
                color: @accessibleText !important;

            @{-chat__prompt} when (@enableColorizeComposer =1) {
                button.rounded-full {
                    &[disabled] {
                        color: fadeout(@accessibleText, 65%);
                        background-color: fadeout(@accessibleText, 85%) !important;
                    &:not([disabled]) {
                        color: @accessibleText;
                        background-color: inherit;

            & when (@enableColorizeBubble =1) {
                @-msg-bubble: .relative.rounded-3xl;
                @media @sm-max {
                    @{-sm--chat__entry--user} {
                        @{-msg-bubble} {.apply()}
                @media @md-up {
                    @{-chat__entry--user} {
                        & when (@enableCo...


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