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Reddit: Re-imagined by misspent

Screenshot of Reddit: Re-imagined







Size193 kB


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Not very customizable? I would appreciate it if you could open an issue on GitHub as I might need to tweak. I don't moderate/use everything reddit offers.


This is currently a work in progress, and I would not advise downloading it expecting everything to be to your taste.


Reddit - Home Page

❗ Important! [READ]

πŸ“’ IMPORTANT: Disable Use new Reddit as my default experience & allow subreddits to show me custom themes in preferences.
πŸ“’ IMPORTANT: If you use Reddit Enhancement Suite, then enable the whole section.
πŸ“’ IMPORTANT: You MUST be signed in.
πŸ“’ Required: Your browser has to support :has selector for this and most of my other themes to work properly | Set layout.css.has-selector.enabled to β€œtrue” in about:config for Mozilla browsers.
πŸ“’ Support: If you have issues, please click the "Homepage" button and go to issues on the GitHub page or click this.

βœ… Features

  • βœ”οΈ More Results
  • βœ”οΈ Actually dark
  • βœ”οΈ Supports Highlight New Comment Extension
  • βœ”οΈ Colour coded moderator and author messages
  • ❌ Can't change much of anything unless you know what you're doing.
  • β­• Work in progress, not perfect and more than likely never will be.
  • β›” I use LibreWolf & Floorp browsers.
  • β›” This was mainly made for myself and a friend as we don't like bloat, white-space or scrolling.

πŸ–₯️ Scripts/Extension I use

Reddit Comment Collapser - Collapse a comment and all of it's replies by clicking on the column of the comment you wish to collapse.
Reddit Enhancement Suite - Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES) is a suite of tools to enhance your Reddit browsing experience. This might be a pain to setup.
Reddit colored comments - Not needed if you install "Reddit Comment Collapser".
Theme I use with Reddit Enhancement Suite - Only use this if you use Reddit Enhancement Suite theme + have the section enabled in the reddit theme

πŸ“· More Screenshots

(Previews/screenshots may become out-of-date at some point)

Viewing Subreddit page

Reddit - Viewing Subreddit page

Viewing an actual post

Reddit - Viewing an actual post

🍻 My uBlock Origin Filters

βŒ› Add this to your "My Filters" page

! =====================================> Reddit <=====================================

! Reddit Media UI fix/tweak | img:others() :root:style(background-color: black !important;) 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; height: unset !important;) 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; height: unset !important;) 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; height: unset !important;)\\

! Reddit Domain Cleaner | Should only clean your main page (I use Reddit Enhanced Suite instead of using this now) .thing:has(.domain:has-text(/|youtube|

! Reddit - You can now drag and drop text when signed out... Bye bye lock, mousedown, isSelectionOutOfRange), mouseup, shouldShowButton)
πŸ“œ Configurable & Extra's

⌨ Variables

In the "❗ Main content" section:

:root {
	--Sidebar: initial; /* none = removed EVERYWHERE, initial = enabled */
	--Comment-Box: block; /* none = removed, block = on */
	--AutoModerator-Message: none; /* none = removed, block = on */
	--Flat-list-buttons: inherit; /* none = removed unless entry is hovered over, inherit = normal | This is the bar with permalink, source,embed, save, etc */
	/* Buttons |  none = off, initial = on */
	--Permalink-button: initial;
	--Source-button: none;
	--Embed-button: none;
	--Report-button: none;
🎨 My settings

My Reddit Settings

My Other Themes

πŸŽ‰ Credit

Credits: ggitaliano & brian6932
Base: Reddit Carbon Theme

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Reddit: Theme
@version      20240425.11.53
@description  Tis a theme for old reddit
@author       misspent
@license      MIT
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
/* |=====> πŸ˜‚ Not Mine [Important] <=====| */ /* Source is this iirc: | 10/05/2023 */

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	.gold-only #header #header-bottom-right .message-count,
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