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Nexus Mods: Darkened by misspent

Screenshot of Nexus Mods: Darkened







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A configurable NexusMods theme that's dark.


This is a WIP.

πŸ“’ IMPORTANT: Your browser has to support :has selector for this and most of my other themes to work properly | Set layout.css.has-selector.enabled to β€œtrue” in about:config on Firefox for :has selector to work.

βœ… Features

  • βœ”οΈ Good ol' darkness
  • βœ”οΈ Optional Scrollbars
  • βœ”οΈ Optional Compact Mode
  • ❌ Can't change the colours of particular stuff unless you know what you're looking for
  • β­• Work in progress and "should" stay up-to-date
  • 🌟 List > Tiles

πŸ“ Information

  • My native resolution is 1440p, so I've set this to 1920px to make it "feel" better with my resolution; you can change this to anything with the variable "--Wrapper".
  • If you want it even more compact, you'll have to sign into Nexus and change the display to "List" from "Tiles" on the mods game page (Example: @ top right of the page); this is because they don't save your display without an account iirc.
  • Press ctrl + c, ctrl + I or F12 to open up the developer tools and then press ctrl + c so you can click on classes, and you'll be able to edit/change stuff yourself.
  • I'm always signed into nexus.

My Other Themes


Main Game Mod Page

πŸ“œ Configurable & Extra's

βŒ› Extra Information

  • You can disable the whole "Compact" section to make Nexus look somewhat normal but with Darkened's colour scheme
  • Switch between the display modes -> Tiles & List on Nexus (Tiles is the best in my opinion)

⌨ Variables

:root {
    --Hot-Mods: flex;  /* none = off, flex = on | Example: */
    --Premium-Banner: none; /* none = off, flex = on | Example: */
    --Collection-banner: flex; /* none = off, flex = on | Example: */
    --Top-Searchbar-Icon: none;  /* none = off, flex = on */
    --footer-Main: none; /* none = off, grid = on | Stats, Support, etc */
    --footer-social: none; /* none = off, grid = on | Discord, Twitter, Facebook, etc */
    --footer-ToS: none; /* none = off, flex = on | Copyright acts, Terms of Service & Privacy Policy */
    --Wrapper: 1920px; /* Inherit = max-content?, Default: 1340px */
    --Tile-Description-Height: 180px;
    --Mod-Tiles: 4;
    --Mod-Tiles-Home-Page: 7; /* Change this when you're on display mode "List" NOT "Tiles" */
    --Filter-Order: none; /* none = off, inherit = on */
    --Filter-Show-Premium-Only: none; /* none = off, inherit = on */

    /* Normal NexusMods colour imo  */
    --theme-primary: #D98F40;
    --theme-primary-translucent: #da8e35d8;
    --theme-secondary: #b4762c;
    --theme-dark: #C87B28;
body.scheme-theme-ReskinBlue { /* Example: */
    --theme-primary: #57a5cc;
    --theme-primary-translucent: #57a5ccd8;
    --theme-secondary: #4584a3;
    --theme-dark: #356983;
body.scheme-theme-Sepia { /* Example: */
    --theme-primary: #a5704f;
    --theme-primary-translucent: #a5704fd8;
    --theme-secondary: #9a7d6b;
    --theme-dark: #604331;

Optional List & Tile version -> change the "--Mod-Tiles" to your liking

πŸ“· More Screenshots

(Previews/screenshots may become out-of-date at some point)

Main Page

Main Page

Main Game Home Page

Main Game Home Page

Game Mods Page (Grid)

Grid Game mods page

Main Game Home Page Compact (Grid)

Main Game Home Page Version 2

πŸ“œ Credits

Used a snippet from fhaarkas theme. Thank you; your little snippet inspired me to mess with displays.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Nexus Mods Darkened
@version      20240403.10.58
@description  A configurable NexusMods theme that's dark.
@author       misspent
@license      MIT
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
/* |=============> Main <=============| */

/* Blur/Filter "Important" stuff for Screenshots 
.rj-profile-pic img {filter: blur(8px);}
.user-profile-menu-username {filter: blur(5px);}

:root {
    --Hot-Mods: flex;  /* none = off, flex = on | Example: */
    --Premium-Banner: none; /* none = off, flex = on | Example: */
    --Collection-banner: flex; /* none = off, flex = on | Example: */
    --Top-Searchbar-Icon: none;  /* none = off, flex = on */
    --footer-Main: none; /* none = off, grid = on | Stats, Support, etc */
    --footer-social: none; /* none = off, grid = on | Discord, Twitter, Facebook, etc */
    --footer-ToS: none; /* none = off, flex = on | Copyright acts, Terms of Service & Privacy Policy */
    --Filter-Order: none; /* none = off, inherit = on */
    --Filter-Show-Premium-Only: none; /* none = off, inherit = on */
    /* ==> Important Variables <== */
    --Wrapper: 1920px; /* Inherit = max-content?, Default: 1340px */
    --Tile-Description-Height: 180px;
    --Mod-Tiles: 6; /* When display = Tiles on game page | Example: */
    --Mod-List-Tiles: 4;  /* When display = list on game page | Example: */
    --Mod-Tiles-Home-Page: 6; /* Main Home Page & Game Home Page */

    /* Normal NexusMods colour imo  */
    --theme-primary: #D98F40;
    --theme-primary-translucent: #da8e35d8;
    --theme-secondary: #b4762c;
    --theme-dark: #C87B28;
[class*="scheme-theme-"] { /* Applies to EVERY PAGE */
    --theme-primary: #D98F40 !important;
    --theme-primary-translucent: #da8e35d8 !important;
    --theme-secondary: #b4762c !important;
    --theme-dark: #C87B28 !important;

* {border-radius: 0px !important;} /* Everything squared */

/* Last Update text is green */
li.mod-tile > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(3) > span:nth-child(1) {color: #1de31d !important;}

/* Pagetual Pin filter | Stops pins from loading every page (Works up to 10 -> Anymore than 10 pins = gone) */
#comment-container > ol:nth-child(n+1) .comment-sticky:nth-child(n+10) {display: none !important;}

/* ======> Optional Stuff <====== */
li.sort-show.premium-only-tooltip {display: var(--Filter-Order);}
li.sort-order {display: var( --Filter-Show-Premium-Only);}

/* Things before completely re-doing it */
body::before {background: #050505 !important; /* Background where images normally are | Default: background-color: #060702;/#050505 */}
a.view-all, a.view-all:visited, a.view-all:hover {background: #00000073; color: #fff; padding: 5px; top: 5px; right: 6px;}
h2 {margin: 0px; padding: 0px 8px; font-family: inherit; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black !important;}
.tab-head {background: var(--theme-primary); margin: 0px;}

/* ================> TopBar <================ */
/* Search bar */
form.rj-search {margin: 0 14px 0 0;}
form.rj-search .search-button, .rj-header-wrap.rj-search-active .search-button {background: #ccc; display: var(--Top-Searchbar-Icon);} /* Colour: #6106a4 */ form.rj-search .search-button i, .rj-header-wrap.rj-search-active .search-button i {color: black;}
.rj-header-wrap.rj-search-active .rj-search-input:focus-visible, form.rj-search .rj-search-input {outline: none !important;}
.rj-user-nav a.rj-upload {border: none; background-color: #303030;} /* Upload button */
.rj-search-category-wrapper {color: #fff; background: #303030;}
form.rj-search .rj-search-input {color: #fff; border: 1px solid #151515; background: #050505;}
.rj-header-wrap.rj-search-active .rj-search-input {border-left: 1px solid dodgerblue; border-top: 1px solid dodgerblue; border-bottom: 1px solid dodgerblue;}
button.rj-search-category-dropdown-toggle {border: 1px solid #757575;}
.rj-header-wrap.rj-search-active .rj-search-category-wrapper {position: relative;}
/* Searchbar drop down when searching something */
#qs_results {background: #151515;}
figure.image_figure .fore_div, .fore_div_mods {background-color: #090909;}
.gsearch_results_list h2, .qs_result h2 {background: linear-gradient(to right, #101010 0, #090909 100%);}
.gsearch_results_list li {border: none;}
#gsearch_results {height: 0px !important;}
.qs_result section> div, .qs_result .stats {background: #151515;}
.rj-search-category-option:hover {background-color: dodgerblue;}
/* Dropdowns */
.rj-nav-item:hover, {background-color: #202020;}
.rj-header-tray {background: #151515;} .rj-header-full-width-banner {background-color: #101010;}
.rj-header-tray-content.rj-header-tray-game {padding: 12px 0px 0px 0px;}
.rj-game-content-labels {padding-bottom: 12px;}
.rj-search-category-dropdown {background-color: #252525;}
/* Notification Dropdown */
.notifications-header, .notification-preferences-header {background-color: #202020;}
.notifications-list, .notification-preferences-menu {background-color: #151515;}
.notification-load-more {background-color: #202020; padding: 16px;}
.notification-load-more .rj-btn.rj-btn-outline {background: #d98f402e;}
/* Mods dropdown */
.cover-art .cover-art-fade {background: linear-gradient(to left, transparent 0, #090909 100%);}
 ul.rj-mobile-menu-subsections {background: #151515;} /* Works with: .rj-header-tray */
.rj-panel, .rj-panel.rj-panel-border> .rj-panel-inner {background-color: #303030;}
a.rj-panel:hover, .rj-panel.rj-panel-border:hover> .rj-panel-inner {background: #353535;}
/* Thread/Article colours "main" page | Example: */
.article-page.static .wrap:first-of-type {background: #101010;}
.article-actions {background: #252525;}
.article-nav .article-label {color: #ccc;} .article-nav ul li a .icon-arrow-thin {fill: #ccc;} .article-nav ul li a {border: 1px solid #404040;}
.article-nav ul li:hover a {background: #303030;}
/* ==> Profile dropdown <== */
.user-profile-menu-username {color: darkorange;} /* Username colour */
.user-profile-menu-divider {margin: 0px; border-color: #353535 !important;}
.rj-right-tray {background-color: #202020;}
.user-profile-menu-section--link .section-content:hover {background: #303030;}
#head > div.rj-right-tray.rj-profile-tray.rj-open > ul > li:nth-child(3) > a > div > i{color: mediumpurple;}
.user-profile-menu-icon-mods {filter: sepia(1) hue-rotate(20deg) saturate(100);}
.user-profile-menu-icon-collections {filter: sepia(1) hue-rotate(5deg) saturate(100);}
#head > div.rj-right-tray.rj-profile-tray.rj-open > ul > li:nth-child(6) > a > div > i {color: orange;}
#head > div.rj-right-tray.rj-profile-tray.rj-open > ul > li:nth-child(8) > a > div > i {color: teal;}
#head > div.rj-right-tray.rj-profile-tray.rj-open > ul > li:nth-child(9) > a > div > i {color: tomato;}
/* Sign out button */
.user-profile-menu-section--centered .section-content {color: red; font-weight: 600;}
.user-profile-menu-section--centered .section-content:hover {background: #ff00005e; color: #fff;}

/* ================> My Profile <================  */
ul.activity> li {background: #202020;}
.activity-desc {background: #252525;}
/* User files */
#user-mods-tab ul.tiles li.mod-tile {width: 20% !important;}
/* ================> "My Mods" Page profile <================  */
.modpage> .wrap {background: #090909;}
/* Preferences */
.form-section-content, .media-section-content {padding: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #252525; background: #151515;}
.form-section-content .select2-container--default .select2-selection--single {background: #3395c3;}
/* Content Blocking */
.form-section header {background: #202020;} span.optional {color: #ccc;}
.popup-mod-tagging .neutral, .tag-list .neutral {background-color: #001bcc;}
.tag-blocking .tag-list li.tag {color: #fff;}
input.form-field:focus-visible {outline: none !important;}
/* My Files */
#tab-my-files > ul li.mod-tile {width: 33.333333% !important;}
#tab-my-files > ul .tile-data {display: inherit !important;}

/* ================> Pages filter buttons containers <================  */
.select2-container--default .select2-selection--single, .select2-container--default.select2-container--disabled .select2-selection--single, .pagination ul li a {background-color: #252525;} /* Other colour: #115ddd / #4da22c */
.pagination ul li, .pagination ul li {background: #353535; color: #fff;} /* Other colour:#60e22e / #5487ff */
.pagination ul li a:hover, .pagination ul li a:focus, .pagination ul li.prev a:hover, .pagination ul li.prev a:focus, .pagination ul a:hover, .pagination ul a:focus {background-color: #3d74f6;} /* Other color: #a5c0ff */
.pagination ul li a, .pagination ul li a:hover, .pagination ul li a:focus {color: #fff;}
.select2-container--default .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__arrow b {border-color: #ccc transparent transparent transparent;}
.select2-container--default .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__rendered {color: #fff;}
.pagination ul li.prev .icon-arrow-thin, .pagination ul .icon-arrow-thin {fill: #fff;}
/* Previous & Next Buttons */
.pagination ul li.prev a, .pagination ul a {width: 41px; text-align: center; background: dodgerblue;}
/* Dropdown */
.select2-container--default .select2-results__option[aria-selected=true] {background-color: #3d74f6; color: #fff;}
.select2-dropdown {background-color: #252525; color: #fff;}
.select2-dropdown, .select2-dropdown--below {border: 1px solid black;}


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