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YouTube: Styled by misspent

Screenshot of YouTube: Styled







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YouTube, but with customization options and an improved user experience.

Changelog is at the bottom of the Notes section.


⚠️ 27/03/2024: I'm aware YouTube has changed the layout for some. I've not gotten this update yet, so I can't revert or update it for that. I'll do something when I get it.

📢 IMPORTANT: Your browser has to support :has selector for this and most of my other themes to work properly | Set layout.css.has-selector.enabled to “true” in about:config on Firefox for :has selector to work.
📢 IMPORTANT: Use an adblocker since if you have ads appearing in recommendations, as tiles, or anywhere else, this won't function as it should. I have uBlock Origin set up with a fair few filter lists enabled.
📢 IMPORTANT: If you have issues, please click the “Homepage” button and go to issues on the GitHub page, or click this.
📢 IMPORTANT: Check comments next to section titles in stylus to find out what to do about certain sections.
📢 IMPORTANT: Enable Dark Mode in appearance settings.

Recommendation: Turn off ambient mode

My Other Themes

Preview - Highly Configurable

Home Page - Highly Configurable  Edited

🔌 You'll need TamperMonkey extension for the optional extension to work.



Better Performance

  • Optional: YouTube Web Tweaks |
    It speeds up YouTube by 50% by modified configs (including the removal of the Shorts button and the “Video paused. Continue watching?” popup).
  • Optional: YouTube CPU Tamer by AnimationFrame |
    Tested this whilst playing a game on my primary monitor and watching a video on my second monitor; it shockingly helped more than I thought it would. It's less choppy in most circumstances than it was with it off and makes it 20x more bearable. This, in conjunction with “YouTube Web Tweaks”, makes the overall experience of YouTube better, imo. Things load quicker, and it overall feels sharper.

✅ Features

  • ✔️ Optional More Home Results
  • ✔️ Optional More Comments Results
  • ✔️ Optional More Channel Video Results
  • ✔️ Optional Sidebar Hidden unless hovered
  • ✔️ Optional More Watching Video Recommended Results
  • ✔️ Remove text from action buttons except the Like/Dislike buttons
  • ✔️ Old YouTube Layout (not made by me | Thank You sapondanaisriwan)
  • ✔️ + More options that I'm too lazy to add here
  • ❌ Can't change the colours of certain stuff unless you know what you're looking for
  • ❌ I can't change the suggestion dropdown when you select the search bar… With/without the privacy settings on
  • ❌ I do not watch shorts, nor do they pop up because of the script I use, so this may not support anything related to shorts. You'll have to find out for yourself.
  • ⭕ Work in progress, not perfect and more than likely never will be.
  • ⛔ May not work properly for other browsers, nor will it work that well when signed out
  • ⛔ I use the LibreWolf Browser
  • ➪ ⛔ I have YouTube Premium, so I have no idea what it would look like without YouTube Premium.

📷 More Screenshots

(Previews/screenshots may become out-of-date at some point)

YouTube Watching Video

Tis the new layout preview

Maximum Efficiency in Theater Mode (Configurable + Optional)

Theater Mode

Compact Comments (Configurable)

New YouTube comments Design

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

🎨 Q: What does this theme do

A: This theme goes above and beyond in its customization options for YouTube. Once applied, it transforms the entire layout of the site, including the sidebar, home page, subscriptions, comments section, and even playlist display. With a highly configurable layout (variables), users can tailor their YouTube experience to their own unique preferences.

🚧 Q: Why doesn't it look like your screenshots

A: You're on an updated/outdated version of YouTube and or your browser (user-agent?) isn't the same as mine, enable Dark Mode in appearance settings too.

💻 Q: Which browsers support Stylus?

A: Stylus is compatible with Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox.

Usage Questions

🔎 Q: How do I install a theme for Stylus from

A: Click the "Install" button below the main image at the top of the page, and follow the prompts to add the style to Stylus.

🖌️ Q: Can I modify existing Stylus themes to better suit my preferences?

A: Yes, you can modify existing styles by editing the CSS code directly within Stylus or using a separate text editor. However, updating the theme will more than likely remove what you changed. Make sure you back up or save the parts you edited for future updates if possible.

Troubleshooting Questions

🚫 Q: Why isn't my Stylus theme working on a particular website?

A: Some websites may have built-in style sheets or scripts that can conflict with custom styles applied by Stylus. Try disabling other extensions or modifying the custom style to better match the site's existing design.

Q: How do I modify or remove a Stylus theme that I installed from

A: To modify or delete a custom style in Stylus, click on the extension icon in your browser toolbar, select "Manage," and locate the style in question under the "Installed styles" tab.

🛡️ Q: Why are certain elements of the YouTube site appearing differently with the theme applied?

A: Custom styles can sometimes conflict with existing site layouts or scripts, which can cause unexpected behavior or visual anomalies. Try modifying the custom style or disabling conflicting extensions to resolve the issue.

📱 Q: Why does my Stylus theme look different on mobile devices?

A: Mobile browsers may use different rendering engines or have different screen resolutions than desktop browsers, which can affect how custom styles are displayed. Try modifying the custom style specifically for mobile devices or using a separate style for mobile browsing.

📜 Configurable & Extra's

⌛ Extra Information

  • You can disable the other 2 sections to make the results and comment section look “normal”

⌨ Variables

:root {
    --background-primary: #212121;
    --background-secondary: #090909;
    --background-tertiary: #121212;
    --background-hover: #202020;
    --background-video-renderer: #101010;
    --background-comment-renderer: #171717; /* Old: rgba(28, 28, 28, 1); */
    --background-title: #151515;
    --background-description: #161616; /* Old: #181818; */
    --title-text: #ccc;
    /* => Optional Tweaks <= */
    --header-Chip-bar: flex; /* none = OFF | flex = ON | Home Page */
    --Sidebar-Buy-Download-Advertisement: none; /* none = OFF | block = ON | Watching a Video Sidebar on right side */
    --YouTube-Title-Hash-Tag: none; /* none = OFF | block = ON */
    --Donation-Containers: none; /* none = OFF | block = ON | Watching a Video Sidebar on right side */
    --Only-Recommended-on-Homepage: none; /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    --Action-Bar-Names-Save-Share-Etc: inline-block; /* none = OFF | inline-flex = ON */
    --Info-Card: none; /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    --View-Count-Info: flex; /* /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    /* Left Sidebar */
    --entry-shorts: none; /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    --Home-Explore-Section-Sidebar: flex; /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    --Originals-Sidebar-Tab: flex; /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    --YouTube-Music-Sidebar-Tab: flex; /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    --Whole-Explore-Section-Sidebar: none;  /* none = OFF | block = ON */
    --Whole-More-From-YouTube-Section: none; /* none = OFF | block = ON */
    --Useless-Service-Sidebar-Tabs: none; /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    --Sidebar-Credits-Footer: none; /* none = OFF | block = ON */
    /* Right Sidebar */
    --Search-Sidebar-Right-Side: none; /* none = OFF | block = ON */
    /* Video Toolbar Buttons | none = OFF | inline-flex = ON */
    --Download-Button: none;
    --Thanks-Button: none;
    --Clip-Button: none;
    /* => Additions <= */
    --Video-Recommended-Playlists: inherit; /* none = removed, inherit = show | This removes playlists */
    --Show-Chat-Replay-Button: none;
    --Show-Chat-Replay-Disabled-Premiere-Button: none;
    /* Dreams Stuff */
    --Comments: 2; /* Default: 2 | Higher: 3 */
    --Video-Whitespace-Theater: 1754px; /* Default: 1754px | Higher: -moz-available */
    --Video-Recommended-Container-Width: 402px; /* Default: 402px; | Higher: 755px */
    --Video-Recommended-Results: 2; /* Default: 2 | Higher: 3 */
    --Comment-Buttons-Bar: none; /* none = OFF | grid = ON */
    --Recommened-Video-Chip-Bar: initial; /* /* none = OFF | initial = ON */
    /* => YouTube Search Result Tiles Amount <= */
    --Main-Results-Width: 100%; /* 1920px/2100px = Good | 100% = maximize space */
    --Result-Tiles: 4;
/* 1080p */
@media screen and (min-width: 1700px) {
/* Change Home section row amount */
[page-subtype="home"] ytd-rich-grid-renderer {--ytd-rich-grid-items-per-row: 6 !important;}
/* Subscriptions section row amount */
[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-rich-grid-renderer {--ytd-rich-grid-items-per-row: 6 !important;}

/* 1440p */
@media only screen and (min-width: 2561px) {
/* Change Home section row amount */
[page-subtype="home"] ytd-rich-grid-renderer {--ytd-rich-grid-items-per-row: 7 !important;}
/* Subscriptions section row amount */
[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-rich-grid-renderer {--ytd-rich-grid-items-per-row: 7 !important;}
🍻 My uBlock Origin Filters

⌛ Add this to your "My Filters" page

! ===============================> YouTube <===============================
! YouTube 5 second artificial delay on non-chrome browsers fix | or, resolve(1), *, 0.001), yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_enable_ab_rsp_cl, false)

! Real-time view, like, dislike and time animation/changer remover |*, yt-animated-rolling-number, should-animate, false)

! YouTube Remove shorts from search results ytd-video-renderer:has([href*="/shorts"])

! YouTube - highlights comments that contain a time-skip + links | #781cff17[href*="/watch?v="]):style(background-color: #0055f717 !important;)

! YouTube Comments Cleaner | This removes those bot comments... Add more if you find them | Top = replies of replies, bottom = comment itself ytd-comment-view-model:has-text(/Finally it’s here|Here is new fu vid!|This is the clip u all looking for|Here is new ful vid!|Here is new full vid!|Finally Here is the fu clips!!| Finally Here is the ful clips!!|Finally Here is the full clips!!|LETS BE HONEST WE ALL REMEMBER THIS RECORD|I forgot to close the camera|my content is better|read my name|Here is the full clip|DONT READ MY PROFILE PICTURE|Look at my banner for cookies|I upload funny entertaining videos|Lucky prize winners|Claim your prize|you will see it|Read My Profile|Link to the clip that explains|IM SUBBING EVERYONE WHO SUBS ME|IM SUBBING EVERYONE WHO SUBS TO ME|JJ said my music was fire on my page |MY CONTENT IS SO MUCH BETTER|Telegram|Teleegram|F*CК МЕ. ТАР 0N MY РIC|TАР 0N MY РIC|if i get 2000 followers|I WANT TO BE THE MOST HATED YTBER ON YT|parents said if I hit|are better than|translate|My content is/i) .style-scope.ytd-item-section-renderer:has-text(/Telegram|Teleegram|mahmoud/i)

! YouTube Keywords blur thumbnail | Search Results ytd-thumbnail:not(:hover):style(filter: grayscale(100%) blur(8px)) ytd-thumbnail:not(:hover):style(filter: grayscale(100%) blur(8px)) ytd-thumbnail:not(:hover):style(filter: grayscale(100%) blur(8px)) Boss) ytd-thumbnail:not(:hover):style(filter: grayscale(100%) blur(8px)) Boss) ytd-thumbnail:not(:hover):style(filter: grayscale(100%) blur(8px)) Trailer) ytd-thumbnail:not(:hover):style(filter: grayscale(100%) blur(8px))
! YouTube Keywords blur thumbnail | Home & Subscription Results ytd-thumbnail:not(:hover):style(filter: grayscale(100%) blur(8px)) ytd-thumbnail:not(:hover):style(filter: grayscale(100%) blur(8px)) ytd-thumbnail:not(:hover):style(filter: grayscale(100%) blur(8px)) Boss) ytd-thumbnail:not(:hover):style(filter: grayscale(100%) blur(8px)) Boss) ytd-thumbnail:not(:hover):style(filter: grayscale(100%) blur(8px)) Trailer) ytd-thumbnail:not(:hover):style(filter: grayscale(100%) blur(8px))

! Remove videos from certain channels | Clickbait channel remover, personal preference|Ryan Hall|The Fugitive|The Ultimate Discovery/i))
! Remove videos from certain channels (Search results) | Clickbait channel remover, personal preference|Ryan Hall|The Fugitive|The Ultimate Discovery/i))

! Removes videos I've already watched
![page-subtype="channels"] ytd-rich-item-renderer:has(#progress)

! Removes Videos containing certain words
! Dawn|Diablo 4|Armored Core VI|ARMORED CORE VI|Armored Core 6|XDefiant|BattleBit Remastered|Battlebit Remastered|Battlebit|LUCIFER|Lucifer|Remnant 2|REMNANT 2|Suits|Britain's Got Talent|Got Talent|Audition|Starfield/i)

! YouTube Consent Popup | YouTube stops videos from playing if you don't "complete" the popup, this does it for you... uBlock = GOD, ytInitialData.topbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpRenderer.forceConsent, false), [].response.topbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpRenderer), topbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpRenderer)

! 2021-12-01: When specific videos redirect persistently to consent page try this filter (discussion: ):, ytInitialData.onResponseReceivedEndpoints, undefined)

! 2021-12-14 YT consent v2, ytInitialData.topbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpV2Renderer, undefined), [].response.overlay.consentBumpV2Renderer topbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpV2Renderer overlay.consentBumpV2Renderer response.overlay.consentBumpV2Renderer)

! 2022-10-16 when navigating directly to #shorts, ytInitialData.desktopTopbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpV2Renderer, undefined)

! Removes videos with specified dates
! #video-title:is([aria-label="week ago"], [aria-label="weeks ago"], [aria-label="month ago"], [aria-label="months ago"], [aria-label="year ago"], [aria-label="years ago"]):upward(ytd-compact-video-renderer)

! For watched I set it for 100% and 90%, because for me YT has 10% increments, but I know some people have 1% ones. You can edit that on your own though.
! #progress:is([style="width: 100%;"], [style="width: 90%;"])
📝 Changelog

Changelog: 20/10/23

  • Reduced the size of the comments and removed a lot of unnecessary or out-of-date code to alter the appearance.
  • Improved sidebar hover view and maximum theater mode.
  • Link errors resolved from lint setting set to CSSLint.

Changelog: 18/10/23

  • Simplified the update process for faster and more seamless updates.
  • Successfully addressed a long-standing issue for improved functionality.
  • Eliminated redundant and unnecessary sections while reorganizing for a more streamlined code structure.
  • Enhanced efficiency and readability by streamlining the codebase and improved support for 1080p resolution.
  • For any issues or suggestion, please feel free to open an issue on GitHub.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         YouTube: Styled
@version      20240428.10.59
@description  A configurable YouTube theme.
@author       misspent
@license      MIT
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
/* |========> ❗ Main Section <========| */ /* Link: */

*, :before, :after {border-radius: 0px !important;}

:root {
    --background-primary: #212121;
    --background-secondary: #090909;
    --background-tertiary: #121212;
    --background-hover: #202020;
    --background-video-renderer: #101010;
    --background-comment-renderer: #171717; /* Old: rgba(28, 28, 28, 1); */
	--background-title: #151515;
    --background-description: #161616; /* Old: #181818; */
	--title-text: #ccc;
    /* => Optional Tweaks <= */
    --header-Chip-bar: flex; /* none = OFF | flex = ON | Home Page */
    --Sidebar-Buy-Download-Advertisement: none; /* none = OFF | block = ON | Watching a Video Sidebar on right side */
    --YouTube-Title-Hash-Tag: none; /* none = OFF | block = ON */
    --Donation-Containers: none; /* none = OFF | block = ON | Watching a Video Sidebar on right side */
    --Only-Recommended-on-Homepage: none; /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    --Action-Bar-Names-Save-Share-Etc: inline-block; /* none = OFF | inline-flex = ON */
    --Info-Card: none; /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    --View-Count-Info: flex; /* /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    /* Left Sidebar */
    --entry-shorts: none; /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    --Home-Explore-Section-Sidebar: none; /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    --Originals-Sidebar-Tab: flex; /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    --YouTube-Music-Sidebar-Tab: flex; /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    --Whole-Explore-Section-Sidebar: none;  /* none = OFF | block = ON */
    --Whole-More-From-YouTube-Section: none; /* none = OFF | block = ON */
    --Useless-Service-Sidebar-Tabs: none; /* none = OFF | flex = ON */
    --Sidebar-Credits-Footer: none; /* none = OFF | block = ON */
	/* Right Sidebar */
	--Search-Sidebar-Right-Side: none; /* none = OFF | block = ON */
    /* Video Toolbar Buttons | none = OFF | inline-flex = ON */
    --Download-Button: none;
    --Thanks-Button: none;
    --Clip-Button: none;
    /* => Additions <= */
	--Video-Recommended-Playlists: inherit; /* none = removed, inherit = show | This removes playlists */
	--Show-Chat-Replay-Button: none;
	--Show-Chat-Replay-Disabled-Premiere-Button: none;
	/* Dreams Stuff */
    --Comments: 2; /* Default: 2 | Higher: 3 */
	--Video-Whitespace-Theater: 1754px; /* Default: 1754px | Higher: -moz-available */
	--Video-Recommended-Container-Width: 402px; /* Default: 402px; | Higher: 755px */
    --Video-Recommended-Results: 2; /* Default: 2 | Higher: 3 */
	--Comment-Buttons-Bar: none; /* none = OFF | grid = ON */
	--Recommened-Video-Chip-Bar: initial; /* /* none = OFF | initial = ON */
    /* => YouTube Search Result Tiles Amount <= */
    --Main-Results-Width: 100%; /* 1920px/2100px = Good | 100% = maximize space */
    --Result-Tiles: 4;
/* 1080p */
@media screen and (min-width: 1700px) {
/* Change Home section row amount */
[page-subtype="home"] ytd-rich-grid-renderer {--ytd-rich-grid-items-per-row: 6 !important;}
/* Subscriptions section row amount */
[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-rich-grid-renderer {--ytd-rich-grid-items-per-row: 6 !important;}

/* 1440p */
@media only screen and (min-width: 2561px) {
/* Change Home section row amount */
[page-subtype="home"] ytd-rich-grid-renderer {--ytd-rich-grid-items-per-row: 7 !important;}
/* Subscriptions section row amount */
[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-rich-grid-renderer {--ytd-rich-grid-items-per-row: 7 !important;}

/* Even Darker Colours | Make this an option
    --background-primary: #181818;
    --background-secondary: #050505;
    --background-tertiary: #101010;
    --background-hover: #151515;
    --background-video-renderer: #090909;
    --background-comment-renderer: #191919;
	--background-title: #121212;
    --background-description: #141414;

/* Variables Start */

ytd-watch-next-secondary-results-renderer yt-related-chip-cloud-renderer {display: var(--Recommened-Video-Chip-Bar) !important;}

/* Remove playlists from search results */
[has-search-header=""] ytd-playlist-renderer {display: none;}

/* Variables End */

/* Removes playlists from home page (My Mix) */
ytd-rich-item-renderer:has([use-modern-collections-v2]), ytd-rich-item-renderer:has(ytd-playlist-video-thumbnail-renderer) {display: none !important;}

/* =====> Title font & colour matches what it looks like with "" enable | title, like-dislike text & share, save buttons, subscribe button & channels home page titles <===== */
#video-title.ytd-rich-grid-media, #video-title.ytd-compact-video-renderer, .animated-rolling-number-wiz, #actions.ytd-watch-metadata .yt-spec-button-shape-next #text, #top-row.ytd-watch-metadata .yt-core-attributed-string--white-space-no-wrap, #video-title.ytd-video-renderer, ytd-grid-video-renderer {
  font-weight: 600 !important;
  color: #e1e1e1 !important;

/* Removes Clutter/bs | Grabbed from: */
.ytp-suggested-action-badge-expanded, .ytp-paid-content-overlay {display: none !important;}
/* Random bar above comments section.. I assume it's the soon to be merchant store shit like firefox */
ytd-merch-shelf-renderer[watch-metadata-refresh] {display: none;}
/* Like and Dislike bar from the extension TEMP removal... Check this everyday until they've fixed it */
.ryd-tooltip-new-design {display: none;}
/* Removes "About these results" on search bar */
#about-these-results {display: none;}
/* "Looking for something different?" tile remover */
[page-subtype="home"] ytd-rich-item-renderer:has(ytd-feed-nudge-renderer) {display: none !important;}
/* Removes video & game category tiles from videos description */ {display: none;}
/* Removes playlists from home screen */
ytd-rich-item-renderer:has(ytd-playlist-video-thumbnail-renderer) {display: none !important;}

#reply-button-end {color: rgb(187, 187, 187);}

/* Action menu in comments | 3 vertical dots */
#action-menu {margin: 0px !important;}

/* Fix channel section empty space... Not sure why this is happening? */
[page-subtype="channels"] {padding-top: 500px !important;}

/* Hide bottom bar on videos unless you hover over media player (video itself) */
#movie_player:not(:hover) :is(.ytp-chrome-bottom, .ytp-gradient-bottom) {display: none !important;}

/* Compact action (Share, Save, etc) | Will remove the text and make them closer to one another 
#actions yt-button-view-model .yt-spec-button-shape-next__button-text-content {display: none}
#actions yt-button-view-model .yt-spec-button-shape-next--size-m {padding: 0 10px;}
#actions yt-button-view-model .yt-spec-button-shape-next__icon {margin-right: 0px !important;}

/* ytd-watch-info-text, #info-container {width: auto !important;} */

ytd-rich-item-renderer {margin-bottom: 10px;}

/* Badge (title) - Fundraiser | Example: */
#title.ytd-watch-metadata:has([aria-label="Fundraiser"]) {
    display: grid !important;
	grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill,minmax(380px,1fr));
	gap: 8px;
ytd-badge-supported-renderer:has([aria-label="Fundraiser"]) {grid-column: -1}

/* ===> Chat replay/Live Chat <=== */
ytd-live-chat-frame,, {border-color: var(--background-comment-renderer) !important;}

/* x amount of comments bar <====================== CHECK THIS AND OR IMPROVE IT! */
#title.ytd-comments-header-renderer{margin: 0 0 0 5px; justify-content: center; align-items: flex-end !important;}
ytd-comments-header-renderer[modern-typography] .count-text.ytd-comments-header-renderer {
  font-size: 1.6rem;
  font-weight: 600;

/* Show transcript font size */
ytd-transcript-segment-renderer .segment.ytd-transcript-segment-renderer {font-size: 1.3em !important;}

/* Fixes playlist alignment conflict in video recommendation */
ytd-compact-radio-renderer[collections] .modern-collection-parent.ytd-compact-radio-renderer {margin-top: 0px;}
ytd-compact-radio-renderer[collections] .details.ytd-compact-radio-renderer {
  margin-top: 0px;
  margin-left: 0px;

/* Fix "you" in sidebar */
ytd-guide-entry-renderer[is-header] .guide-icon.ytd-guide-entry-renderer {display: inherit;}

/* Search right sidebar variable */
ytd-secondary-search-container-renderer {display: var(--Search-Sidebar-Right-Side) !important; padding-top: 6px !important;}

/* Highlighted reply */
#teaser-replies #body.ytd-comment-renderer {margin: 40px 10px 0px 10px;}

/* Hides annoying chat replay container above recommended when watching a video */
#chat-container:has([ytd-live-chat-frame]) {display: var(--Show-Chat-Replay-Button);}
/* Chat Replay is disabled for this Premiere. | Container */
ytd-live-chat-frame {display: var(--Show-Chat-Replay-Disabled-Premiere-Button);}

/* Sign In button at the top right (when you're signed out) */
.style-scope.ytd-masthead {
    color: var(--yt-spec-call-to-action);
	background: #1b415c;
    border-color: #235f8a;
    padding: 0px 8px;
.style-scope.ytd-masthead .yt-spec-button-shape-next__icon {margin-right: 0px !importa...


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