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AO3 - sepia mode by mosspunk

Screenshot of AO3 - sepia mode






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a sepia theme for AO3 with extra pink links (should also function on!)


Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         AO3 - sepia mode
@version      20240531.14.49
@description  a sepia theme for AO3 with extra pink links
@author       mosspunk
@license      CC0
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
.tagset.home .wrapper {border-top: 3px solid #421101; border-bottom: 3px solid #421101; border-right: 3px dashed #421101; border-left: 3px dashed #421101; border-radius: 25px; padding: .5rem !important; box-shadow: none !important}
.wrapper .meta {border: none !important}, {background: #fff4e5;border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important} {background: #fff4e5; border: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-radius: .25rem; } .heading {background: #421101}
/*tagset - fixes everything neatly into a list with indivdual items in borders*/
.tagset .fandom.listbox li, .tagset .freeform.listbox li {display: block; padding: .25rem; line-height: 1.5em; border: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-radius: .25rem;}
.tagset .fandom.listbox li::after {content: none;}

body, #inner, #outer, #login {background: #fff4e5 !important; color: #421101; max-width: 1500px; margin: auto; box-shadow: none !important}
.wrapper {box-shadow: none !important}

a {color: #ff2bab !important}
a:hover {background: #ff2bab !important; color: #fff4e5 !important}

/* footer*/
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#footer .heading {color: #421101;}
#footer a {color: #ff2bab !important}
#footer a:hover {background: #ff2bab !important; color: #fff4e5 !important}

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#header .dropdown  a {color:  #ff2bab !important; }
#header .dropdown {padding-top: .4rem}
#header a,  #header .dropdown a:hover, .menu.dropdown-menu, .menu.dropdown-menu li a:hover {background: #fff4e5 !important; color: #ff2bab !important; }
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#greeting li {padding: .4rem}

#dashboard .navigation.actions {border-top: 3px dashed #421101}
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#dashboard .current {border: 3px solid #421101; background: none;}
.primary.header.module .heading {border-bottom: 3px dashed #421101;}

/*work blurbs*/ {background: #fff4e5; color: #421101; box-shadow: none}, .group.series, .bookmark.blurb {border: 3px solid #421101; border-radius: .25rem;} {border: 3px solid #421101;border-radius: .25rem;}

/* this turns the symbols on blurbs into plain text for easier reading (courtesy of mfz' theme) remove/change text-transform, font-style and font-weight to change the way this looks. remove this section entirely to get back the picture symbols*/
#main .blurb.picture .header .heading { margin-left: 65px; }
.blurb ul.required-tags { position: relative; width: auto; margin-top: 0.375em; }
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.blurb ul.required-tags span { background: none; }
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#main .blurb .required-tags span.text { font-size: 1em; color: inherit !important; font-weight: normal; }
.required-tags .symbol::after { content: " • "; color: inherit; }
.required-tags li:last-child .symbol::after { content: ""; }
.blurb .header .heading { margin-left: 0; }
.picture.module .icon {display: none}

/*other blurbs*/, .own.blurb, {border: 3px solid #421101; border-radius: .25rem;}
.recent.dynamic {background: #fff4e5 !important;}

/*workskin*/ { border-top: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-bottom: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-right: 3px dashed #421101 !important; border-left: 3px dashed #421101 !important; border-radius: 25px;}
#chapters {font-family: Georgia, Lora, serif; font-size: 125%; border-top: 3px dashed #421101 } {border: none !important;}
blockquote {border-left: 3px solid #421101 !important}
.userstuff {border: none!important}
#selected_id  { border: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-radius: .25rem;background: #fff4e5 !important; color: #421101;box-shadow: none!important; }
.series-show.region .wrapper, .home.profile .wrapper { border-top: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-bottom: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-right: 3px dashed #421101 !important; border-left: 3px dashed #421101 !important; border-radius: 25px;}

#add_comment_placeholder, #add_comment fieldset {border: none;box-shadow: none!important}
.post.comment {border: none !important; box-shadow: none!important}
.new_comment {border: 3px solid #421101;box-shadow: none!important; border-radius: .25rem;}
.observe.textlength, .observe_textlength {background: #fff4e5 !important; color: #421101;border: 3px solid #421101; border-radius: .25rem;} {background: #fff4e5 !important; color: #421101;border: 3px solid #421101; border-radius: .25rem;} {background: #e5dbce !important; color: #421101;border: 3px solid #421101; border-radius: .25rem;} .heading.byline, .heading.byline a {background: #421101; color: #fff4e5 !important} {border: none !important}

fieldset, legend,, legend, legend {background: #fff4e5 !important; color: #421101;box-shadow: none!important; border: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-radius: .25rem;}

.favorite.module .heading ,  .news.module .heading , .random.readings.module .heading , .social.module .heading {border-bottom: 2px dashed #421101 ; } {border: none !important}
.account.module {background: #fff4e5 !important; color: #421101;box-shadow: none!important; border: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-radius: .25rem;} .header.module, .own.blurb .header.module, .header.module {border-bottom: 2px dashed #421101; padding-bottom: .5rem} .header.module, .group.series .header.module, .bookmark.blurb .header.module {border-bottom: 2px dashed #421101;  padding-bottom: .5rem}
.heading, .summary.module .heading, .notes.module .heading, #intro.module .heading, #faq.module .heading, #rules.module .heading, .browse.module .heading, .tweets.module .heading,  .latest.messages.module .heading {border-bottom: 2px dashed #421101}
.header.module .heading, .header.module .heading, .byline.heading, .home.profile .heading, {border: none }

#header .actions input {background: #fff4e5; color: #421101;  display: inline-block; padding: .5rem; white-space: nowrap; overflow: auto; position: relative; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; border: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-radius: .25rem; box-shadow: none !important;}
.works-search.region h4.heading, .works-search.region h3.heading {border: none !important}

/*ALL the search input fields (exluding checkboxes)*/
#work_search_query, #work_search_title, #work_search_creators, #work_search_revised_at, #work_search_word_count, #work_search_language_id, #work_search_fandom_names_autocomplete, #work_search_rating_ids, #work_search_character_names_autocomplete, #work_search_relationship_names_autocomplete,  #work_search_freeform_names_autocomplete, #work_search_hits, #work_search_kudos_count, #work_search_comments_count, #work_search_bookmarks_count, #work_search_sort_column, #work_search_sort_direction, #people_search_query, #people_search_fandom_autocomplete, #people_search_name_autocomplete, #bookmark_search_bookmarkable_query, #bookmark_search_other_tag_names_autocomplete,#bookmark_search_bookmarkable_type, #bookmark_search_language_id, #bookmark_search_bookmarkable_date, #bookmark_search_bookmark_query, #bookmark_search_other_bookmark_tag_names_autocomplete, #bookmark_search_bookmarker, #bookmark_search_bookmark_notes, #bookmark_search_date, #bookmark_search_sort_column, #tag_search_name, #tag_search_fandoms_autocomplete, #tag_search_sort_column, #tag_search_sort_direction { border: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-radius: .25rem;background: #fff4e5 !important; color: #421101;box-shadow: none!important; }

/*filters input*/
#preference_skin_id, #preference_time_zone, #preference_work_title_format, #work_search_words_from,#work_search_words_to, #work_search_date_from, #work_search_date_to, #skin_role, #skin_ie_condition, .number { border: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-radius: .25rem;background: #fff4e5 !important; color: #421101;box-shadow: none!important; }

.autocomplete input { border: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-radius: .25rem;background: #fff4e5 !important; color: #421101;box-shadow: none!important; }

/*new work*/
 .tox.tox-tinymce, .work.text{ border: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-radius: .25rem;background: #fff4e5 !important; color: #421101;box-shadow: none!important; }
 .tox-editor-container, .tox-statusbar__text-container {border: none !important; box-shadow: none!important;}
#work_rating_string, #work_language_id, #work_work_skin_id { border: 3px solid #421101 !important; border-radius: .25rem;background: #fff4e5 !important; color: #421101;box-shadow: none!important; }
.tox-statusbar {border-top: 3px solid #421101 !im...


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