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Old Reddit Goodie Bag by o_o



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Tweaks to Old Reddit, all disabled by default


Twitter/X Goodie Bag but for Reddit!

Also works with my RES mobile layout. A nice way to dwindle addiction on Reddit! (Assuming you get your haeds on a browser that supports RES and Stylus)


  • ๐Ÿ“ฑ - Exclusive to my RES mobile layout
  • ๐Ÿšง - Incomplete, but usable
  • ๐Ÿ›ธ - For RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite)
  • ๐Ÿ›ธโ— - Depends on an RES option to be set correctly


  • Link score (in feed) - Toggles the link score in the feed. It's the number between the upvote/downvote.
  • Link score (in sidebar) - Toggles the link score in the sidebar. It's the "10 points (100% upvoted)" on the right side when viewing the comments of a link.
  • Comment score - Toggles the comment score.
  • Comment count (in feed) - Toggles the comment count.
    • Show: Show the count.
    • ๐Ÿ›ธโ— Obscure: Remove the number, but still indicate if there are any comments at all by pluralizing the comment button.
      • ๐Ÿ›ธโ— Needs RES's Do No Ctrl+F option enabled.
    • Hide: Hide the count all together
  • Comment count (in headings) - Toggles the comment count in the heading when viewing the comments of a link. It's the "all 5 comments" text.
  • ๐Ÿ›ธ New comment count (in feed) - Toggles the new comment count. It's the "(2 new)" of "10 comments (2 new)".

Theme compatibility

These have to do with having this userstyle work well with other userstyles that theme Reddit. These options alone do not theme Reddit.

If you only have this userstyle installed, you can safely leave these options as the default.


  • 1.0.2
    • Clarified Metrics: Comment count (in feed)'s RES requirements
    • Fixed some of Metrics: Comment count (in feed)'s options to work without RES
    • Removed unimplemented option from Metrics: Comment count (in headings)
  • 1.0.1
    • Implement Metrics: Comment count (in headings) as I forgot to.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Old Reddit Goodie Bag
@version        1.0.2
@description    Tweaks to Old Reddit, all disabled by default
@author         dabric
@preprocessor   stylus
@var select link-score-in-feed-option "Metrics: Link score (in feed)" ["show:Show*", "hide:Hide"]
@var select link-score-in-sidebar-option "Metrics: Link score (in sidebar)" ["show:Show*", "hide:Hide"]
@var select comment-score-in-feed-option "Metrics: Comment score" ["show:Show*", "hide:Hide"]
@var select comment-count-option "Metrics: Comment count (in feed)" ["show:Show*", "obscure:๐Ÿ›ธโ— Obscure", "hide:Hide"]
@var select comment-count-in-headings-option "Metrics: Comment count (in headings)" ["show:Show*", "hide:Hide"]
@var select new-comment-count-option "Metrics: ๐Ÿ›ธ New comment count (in feed)" ["show:Show*", "hide:Hide"]
@var select theme "Theme Compatability: Theme" ["default:Vanilla or RES Night*", "custom:Custom"]
@var color theme-new-comments "Theme Compatiablity: RES New Comments Text" orangered
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
  if theme == "default" {
    html {
      --goodie-bag-res-new-comments: orangered
    html.res-nightmode {
      --goodie-bag-res-new-comments: rgb(210, 90, 50)
  } else if theme == "custom" {
    :root {
      --goodie-bag-res-new-comments: theme-new-comments
  if link-score-in-feed-option == "hide" {
   .link .score {
      visibility: hidden;
  if link-score-in-sidebar-option == "hide" {
   .linkinfo .score {
      display: none;
  if comment-score-in-feed-option == "hide" {
    .comment .score {
      display: none !important;
  if comment-count-option != "show" {
    a.comments {
      visibility: hidden;
      letter-spacing: -9999px;
      &::before {
        letter-spacing: 0;
        visibility: visible
        font-size: 1em
        content: "comment" !important;
      .newComments {
        visibility: visible;
        letter-spacing: 0;
      if comment-count-option == "obscure" {    
        &[data-text="1 comment"]::before {
          content: "comments" !important;
        &[data-text*=comments]::before {
          content: "comments" !important;
  if comment-count-in-headings-option == "hide" {
    .commentarea {
      .panestack-title {
        .title {
          font-size: 0;
          &::after {
            content: "comments";
            font-size: 16px;
        .title-button {
          font-size: 0;
          &::after {
            content: "show all";
            font-size: 12px;
  if new-comment-count-option == "hide" {
    a.comments:has(.newComments) {
      &::after {
        letter-spacing: 0;
        visibility: visible
        content: " (new)";
        color: var(--goodie-bag-res-new-comments);
      .newComments {
        display: none;


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