Greasy Fork - Fix for problem with [datetime] / Waterfox Clasic [Standalone] v.1
by decembre
Author decembre
License unlicense
Category Greasyfork, greasy fork, waterfox Classic, fix, webcompotement, polly
Created 2 years, 2 months ago
Updated 2 years, 2 months ago
Size 9.3 kB
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Finally a solution, found here:
github more and more unusable - disappearing file listings [GitHub]
It seems solve these issues.
Resume of the GitHub post by Martin Walter as "walmar" :
Replace the Polly extension with the attached latest unofficial version 1.9#mod2022-12-20.
The (latest unofficial version 1.9#mod2022-12-20) file should be renamed to zakius@polly.xpi after download.
Note of me:
And you can install it by dropping it on Waterfox.
What's new in this latest Polly unofficial version 1.9#mod2022-12-20:
A - Its updated Webcomponents-Bundle.js polyfill.
B - It adds options
- Webcomponents-pf_dom.js and Webcomponents-pf_js.js
Which already seem to be part of the updated Webcomponents-Bundle.js polyfill.
- Intl.RelativeTimeFormat.js
That is preferred for dates by GitHub pages (AND for my request here !).
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Greasy Fork - Fix for problem with [datetime] and Waterfox Clasic [Standalone] v.1
@author decembre
@description ▶ CSS Fix for problem with [datetime] / Waterfox Clasic(only need for WATERFOX CLASSIC)
@version 1.0
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
/* ==== Greasy Fork - Fix for problem with [datetime] / Waterfox Clasic [Standalone] v.1 (only need for WATERFOX CLASSIC) ==== */
/* (new223) [datetime] COMMENT - TEST - ONLY WATERFOX CLASSIC */
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/* (new219) COMMENT - DATE RE EDIT */
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/* (new220) [datetime]SCRIPT INFO (Created / Updtaed) - TEST - ONLY WATERFOX CLASSIC
need "Users Request Modification For this Domain" + "WebCompotementBudle Enable in POLLY */
#script-meta dd.script-show-created-date {
border: 1px solid red !important;
#script-meta dd.script-show-updated-date > span relative-time:before ,
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opacity: 1 !important;
text-align: left !important;
color: red !important;
background: #111 !important;
/* background: green !important; */
/* (new222) [datetime] FEEDBACK - TEST - ONLY WATERFOX CLASSIC
need "Users Request Modification For this Domain" + "WebCompotementBudle Enable in POLLY */
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text-align: left !important;
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.post-discussion .script-discussion-list .discussion-list-container .discussion-meta > .discussion-meta-item:last-of-type .discussion-meta-item> relative-time:before {
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text-align: left !important;
color: red !important;
background: #111 !important;
/* background: green !important; */
/* START - (new222) [datetime] NOT QUANTUM */
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.comment-meta-item.comment-meta-item-main + .comment-meta-item + .comment-meta-item > relative-time:before ,
#comment-.comment .comment-meta .comment-meta-item.comment-meta-item-main + .comment-meta-item + .comment-meta-item > relative-time:before {
display: none !important;
.comment-meta-item.comment-meta-item-main + .comment-meta-item + .comment-meta-item > relative-time:after ,
#comment-.comment .comment-meta .comment-meta-item.comment-meta-item-main + .comment-meta-item + .comment-meta-item > relative-time:after {
content: attr(datetime)!important;
clip-path: inset(0px 98px 0px 114px) !important;
display: none !important;
/* END - (new222) [datetime] NOT QUANTUM /CHROME */
/* === END - DATETIME === */