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Screenshot of Minimal Reddit
Updated Minimal Reddit by hdyzen
Screenshot of PDB Midnight
Updated PDB Midnight by Winterveil
Updated GageTheGreat's Modern Roblox Theme by Reddstone35
Screenshot of gitee wiki friendly
Updated gitee wiki friendly by xvno
Updated sans-serif by etale
Updated by gzlock
Screenshot of DeepL - custom colors
Updated DeepL - custom colors by tidy-easy-stockade
Screenshot of Floating Statistics
Updated Floating Statistics by 136MasterNR
Screenshot of Refinedblox For Roblox
Updated Refinedblox For Roblox by Mollomm1
Updated Clean Up Spotify by mfluehr
Screenshot of Twitter/X: Personal Preference
Updated Twitter/X: Personal Preference by DiabetikGam3r
Updated Mousehunt - Dark StyxEdit by BobThompson
Screenshot of ChatGPT-5
Updated ChatGPT-5 by BrianPurgert
Screenshot of shut up flickr cookie banner
Screenshot of Lichess - Set 1 Chessbase Fritz
Updated Lichess - Set 1 Chessbase Fritz by MMyers
Updated by luvsic
Screenshot of Dark PDF (MS Edge)
Updated Dark PDF (MS Edge) by sapondanaisriwan
Updated Old Trello Border Radius by slimenderyt
Screenshot of instagram wide
Updated instagram wide by jok1n9
Updated meko by melissa25
Screenshot of Neocities Simple Dark Mode
Updated Neocities Simple Dark Mode by Florisrietman
Screenshot of money
Updated money by dev2two
Updated pink by dev2two
Updated playboi carti red by dev2two
Updated robloxcarti by dev2two
Updated invasion by dev2two
Updated hack by dev2two
Updated green flash by dev2two
Screenshot of Rainbow Play Button
Updated Rainbow Play Button by joebiden
Updated Viva Waves Search by VivaWaves
Updated Stylus Matrix by TROYPRADO619
Screenshot of
Updated by m-ghonim
Screenshot of trailsinthedatabase Spoiler English Text (for Japanese learners!)
Updated qwq by xiaofeitm233
Updated - hide "Trending now" section by aspiers
Updated Youtube Only Clean by hdyzen