Changelog is at the bottom of the Notes section.
Looks best with the following:
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1440p: Zoom 80%
Size48 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
Changelog is at the bottom of the Notes section.
1080p: Zoom 70%
1440p: Zoom 80%
Important Install?: Brave Auto-Expand All "Show More" buttons + Others
π’ IMPORTANT: Your browser has to support :has selector for this and most of my other themes to work properly | Set layout.css.has-selector.enabled
to βtrueβ in about:config
on Firefox for :has selector to work.
π’ IMPORTANT: If you have issues, please click the "Homepage" button and go to issues on the GitHub page, or click this.
π’ IMPORTANT: Add/remove an "M" at the end of the "" below each snippet section for the snippet to work/not
π’ IMPORTANT: Enable "Dark" Mode in settings (top right settings icon)
Other: Zoom 80% on 1440p for ultimate climax
Brave - Discussions Reddit Title Replacer
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/* => More Results Amount <= */
--Result-Tiles: 3; /* Default = 3 | Only go above 3, nerds :) CBA to fix cause I'm an ass | Advised not to change */
Changelog: 21/05/2024:
Changelog: 15/10/23:
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/* ==========================================> Variable classes <========================================== */
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/* Testing stuff */
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/* |=> π₯οΈ More Results + Main Layout <=| */
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/* ====> More Results <=== */
#results {
display: grid ...