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Screenshot of The Hunt: Great Yolktales Icon (homepage)
Updated The Hunt: Great Yolktales Icon (homepage) by Parrot
Screenshot of Compact Pebblehost Panel
Updated Compact Pebblehost Panel by GhostIsBeHere
Updated Hide Like Count for bluesky by buhoho
Updated lowercase by tigriz
Screenshot of Infinite Campus Color Coded Classes
Updated Infinite Campus Color Coded Classes by panderson
Updated Tangerine Cherry UI Mastodon, with tweaks by jamesdottech
Screenshot of FULike dtf
Updated FULike dtf by zycck
Updated Align everything Youtube by YacuGitHub
Screenshot of Teams Translation Tool
Updated Teams Translation Tool by quentinastaley
Updated Global - Orange Select by nanowatt007
Updated Hide prices by Gurkenglas
Updated Youtube Personalization Color by mason20121981
Updated LZT Gray by x5839
Screenshot of Forgejoe
Updated Forgejoe by Expo
Screenshot of WARCRAFT STYLE
Updated WARCRAFT STYLE by ShipsAndFish
Screenshot of colorblind friendlier
Updated colorblind friendlier by Forc
Updated 💡Darken All Webpages🕶 by buhoho
Updated MonMaster - candidature confirmées en vert by GuilianCD
Screenshot of White theme for 2024
Updated White theme for 2024 by legolegs
Screenshot of REMOVE Comments on Pinterest
Updated REMOVE Comments on Pinterest by zestyghost
Updated Remove # of credits in CHUNITHM-NET by krisfail
Screenshot of Choclate Donut Theme: [NEW]
Updated Choclate Donut Theme: [NEW] by 20studing
Updated 4chan dark by minnieo
Updated SanChexX's Theme by Monet
Updated TERRARIA ONLINE WIKI THEME by griffenhiggins
Screenshot of 2019-2020 Ban Screen
Updated 2019-2020 Ban Screen by Explode
Screenshot of Epic Panda For V3
Updated Epic Panda For V3 by AuroraBorealis
Updated V3 Cosmic Panda Player by tersiswilvin
Updated by nquangit
Screenshot of 2024 redesign from Longus v.1.0002
Screenshot of JUST DANCE PC
Updated JUST DANCE PC by Ihir888
Screenshot of - Dark Theme Remake
Updated - Dark Theme Remake by Newlollypop
Updated LMS FPT by nquangit
Screenshot of YT Nord (for DARK mode, no autoplay button)
Updated YT Nord (for DARK mode, no autoplay button) by apkx
Updated full black bg by skibiditoiletgyatsuperbig
Screenshot of Old Scratch Blue
Updated Old Scratch Blue by locness3