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Screenshot of Patreon responsive + customizations
Updated Patreon responsive + customizations by breat
Updated Replit with Fira Code (With Ligatures) by ComplexSymbol
Screenshot of Pi responsive
Updated Pi responsive by breat
Updated greek summer by cappynnyoo
Screenshot of [愛灣語] Tâi-gí 新教典
Updated [愛灣語] Tâi-gí 新教典 by Aiuanyu
Updated by Hojondo
Screenshot of frosted glass
Updated frosted glass by Greenwizard08
Screenshot of 42 intra blackhole color
Updated 42 intra blackhole color by outsiderice
Screenshot of Reddit responsive + customizations
Updated Reddit responsive + customizations by breat
Screenshot of dark & simple
Updated dark & simple by zefir-git
Updated Gruvbox by worbgge
Screenshot of Bitchute Dark Style
Updated Bitchute Dark Style by mustang2024
Screenshot of Startpage responsive
Updated Startpage responsive by breat
Screenshot of Nginx Proxy Manager
Updated Nginx Proxy Manager by st3v32
Updated EP улучшения by TrJVoRoN
Updated - Allow fullscreen by mojabyte
Screenshot of SuperSoluce responsive
Updated SuperSoluce responsive by breat
Screenshot of TrueAchievements responsive + customizations
Updated TrueAchievements responsive + customizations by breat
Screenshot of Arch Linux Tokyo Night (tokyonight)
Updated Arch Linux Tokyo Night (tokyonight) by JoshuaMarkle
Screenshot of TrueSteamAchievements responsive + customizations
Screenshot of TrueTrophies responsive + customizations
Updated TrueTrophies responsive + customizations by breat
Updated Scratch Compactor by nulcow
Updated Outlookify by TheLiamCooke
Screenshot of tumblr dashboard responsive
Updated tumblr dashboard responsive by breat
Updated VJAV by xiggi
Screenshot of YourHana responsive + customizations
Updated YourHana responsive + customizations by breat
Updated Google Classroom - Hide Submissions Section by panderson
Screenshot of Improved readability in Proxmox on macOS
Updated Improved readability in Proxmox on macOS by henningrck
Screenshot of Marast FIT Style (now with Pacalvod-Man)
Updated Marast FIT Style (now with Pacalvod-Man) by 316filip
Updated - Jun 2024 by peter
Screenshot of DTF Karma Fix 2.0
Updated DTF Karma Fix 2.0 by proviceunify
Updated Костюмы игроков вара by Cheeszouly
Screenshot of darker omnivore app
Updated darker omnivore app by laantorchaweb
Screenshot of Quick and dirty fix for new icons on
Updated Quick and dirty fix for new icons on by nev3rfail
Screenshot of Fluster Button Replaced by Guest Mode
Updated Fluster Button Replaced by Guest Mode by Hyperion