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Updated TasksBoard - Scrollbar fix (dark) by stamminator
Updated TasksBoard - Scrollbar fix (light) by stamminator
Screenshot of Kauppalehti kompaktimpi versio
Updated Kauppalehti kompaktimpi versio by hemawack
Screenshot of twitter - hide posts with #ad
Updated twitter - hide posts with #ad by ripooof
Screenshot of cohost! undescribed media highlighter
Updated cohost! undescribed media highlighter by kinluwi
Updated reverted_links by tlanotyt
Updated Penny Arcade - Dark Mode by jakevance
Screenshot of 2048 Dark Mode
Updated 2048 Dark Mode by tas367
Screenshot of CSS Breakpoint Visualizer
Updated CSS Breakpoint Visualizer by Mentalist
Updated BioBrain-YouTube by BioBrainX
Updated ? - Feb 2024 by SalmonOfDoom
Screenshot of - no ads
Updated - no ads by d3n1c1d3
Screenshot of Dark CNBC [papo]
Updated Dark CNBC [papo] by papo
Screenshot of Blue Hackingtons
Updated Blue Hackingtons by HackingtonsThemes
Screenshot of Green Hackingtons
Updated Green Hackingtons by HackingtonsThemes
Screenshot of Purple Hackingtons
Updated Purple Hackingtons by HackingtonsThemes
Updated <Stylus> - Feb 2024 by mohammad71bayat
Updated Linkpixel by maxpixels
Updated Hover Underline by maxpixels
Screenshot of Keepass Dark Mode
Updated Keepass Dark Mode by HIMlaoS_Misa
Screenshot of Better GaWo
Updated Better GaWo by IchMagSchokolade
Screenshot of Prettier Replies
Updated Prettier Replies by shockawer
Screenshot of line wrap code blocks
Updated line wrap code blocks by uncoy
Screenshot of Infinite Craft Themer
Updated Infinite Craft Themer by xamionex
Updated 游民星空 by zcq100
Screenshot of Zhihu DarkTheme
Updated Zhihu DarkTheme by arbraces
Screenshot of sitelen pona o lon lipu Siko a
Updated sitelen pona o lon lipu Siko a by neroist
Updated Highlight Ost-Blocks by andykramer
Screenshot of circus
Updated circus by catburger69
Screenshot of EX517
Updated EX517 by WSQ0127
Screenshot of Perplexity Labs Gruvbox Dark Theme
Updated Perplexity Labs Gruvbox Dark Theme by bilalazh
Updated Fix Jimdo Webmail Images by ThomasW2005
Updated iLearn24 Fullscreen Tables by GammelSami
Screenshot of HH Dark Mode [Reviews and Lessons]
Updated HH Dark Mode [Reviews and Lessons] by Tom
Screenshot of LEVIS Overhaul
Updated LEVIS Overhaul by dystopianserenity
Screenshot of Reddit Redesigned
Updated Reddit Redesigned by itcodehery