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Updated - Feb 2024 by nadavkav
Screenshot of Plain Text Sports: use JetBrains Mono font
Screenshot of Spotify Catppuccin
Updated Spotify Catppuccin by ftakilir
Screenshot of Notion Catppuccin
Updated Notion Catppuccin by ftakilir
Updated Darker Syncro Tickets by ajr3v
Updated - expanded by xiggi
Updated mtness touchup: dimmed paywall content by mtness
Screenshot of Gemini Gruvbox Dark + UI improvements
Updated Gemini Gruvbox Dark + UI improvements by bilalazh
Screenshot of youtube corrected
Updated youtube corrected by lukaforder
Updated Dark mode by jessfairbairn
Screenshot of Mistral Dark inspired by GPT Theme
Updated Mistral Dark inspired by GPT Theme by Co-7
Updated Discogs: Show No Apple Player by doktorsultan
Screenshot of black night
Updated black night by vitaly-zdanevich
Screenshot of Let's Go Digimon
Updated Let's Go Digimon by CCC200
Screenshot of Hide "Cool New People"
Updated Hide "Cool New People" by vampeyeliner
Screenshot of Get rid of cursors on nekoweb.
Updated Get rid of cursors on nekoweb. by
Screenshot of Blossom tree path
Updated Blossom tree path by DLM
Updated R34Video - Deep Dark by xiggi
Screenshot of Youtube Grid Customizer
Updated Youtube Grid Customizer by thunder33345
Screenshot of Simple UI
Updated Simple UI by AgatZan
Screenshot of Catan Universe Full Window 2021
Updated Catan Universe Full Window 2021 by anemochore
Updated light steam by anemochore
Updated Pururin - Deep Dark by xiggi
Screenshot of Blur and Fixes
Updated Blur and Fixes by Ibirtem
Screenshot of GMAIL - Minimal & Optimized
Updated GMAIL - Minimal & Optimized by donatocignoli
Updated Pururin - Hider by xiggi
Updated Pulpscript fixes by november
Screenshot of KDE MEGARELEASE 6
Updated KDE MEGARELEASE 6 by task
Screenshot of ARGENTINA!! - Roblox
Updated ARGENTINA!! - Roblox by am3thyst345
Screenshot of The Unbeveling (without border-radius fork)
Updated The Unbeveling (without border-radius fork) by alije123
Screenshot of ChatGPT - Razorglass Remake
Updated ChatGPT - Razorglass Remake by Toemass202
Updated Hide Sidebar by kissaki
Screenshot of Catwar Redesign
Updated Catwar Redesign by covariate87
Updated F1 TV by pauloiankoski
Updated Discord UI Customizer by abx1312
Updated - Light by forivall